some very interesting stuff.
I will be trying out the sfGrid together with Propel Data source next

I'll let you know if i run into strange behavior or quirks :-)

nice work, and great post!

On Apr 9, 7:54 pm, Leon van der Ree <> wrote:
> Hi All,
> since many people are asking about the state of the sfGridPlugin, I
> have decided to write an article about it here on sf-user-group.
> First an introduction.
> ================
> The sfGridPlugin is a symfony-plugin, once initiated by Bernhard
> Schussek, but soon enhanced by me. Grids are capable of rendering
> tabular data in a table and providing interaction to it (allowing you
> to sort and browse through the paginated data).
> The data is provided by DataSources, which are generic, simple
> interfaces to query any data-source. At the moment there are
> implementations provided for Propel, Doctrine and arrays.
> The Grid can be configured, for example to setup which columns you
> want to see from your datasource and the number of results you want to
> see per page. The request can be bound to your grid to automatically
> handle any interaction. Renders and widgets can be defined to
> transform the data from the datasource to the desired html, or JSON,
> or JavaScript or anything you want!
> Current State.
> ===========
> At the moment working code can be found in the svn of symfony. The
> code has been divided over several plugins, all with there own
> responsibility and use.
> An ExtjsGrid-plugin with renderers and widgets is on its way, but
> unfortunately currently has some minor issues I want to fix first.
> PLEASE NOTE :The latest code is currently only in SVN!!!! The current
> packages in the symfony-plugin page are OLD!
> PropertyPath Support
> -----------------------------
> First of all I designed something I called ObjectPaths and
> PropertyPaths with a colleague of mine. This are simple paths that
> make it possible to resolve relations and select (related)fields. More
> can be found in the readme of their plugin:
> For 
> Propel:
> or for 
> Doctrine:
> The DataSource Plugin
> -------------------------------
> The datasource plugin makes use of the PropertyPaths to simplify the
> joining of related tables. Joining can be done automatically with the
> help of propertyPaths. I intend to remove the requirement for the
> propertyPaths one day, but for now it is required.
> The Grid Plugin
> ---------------------
> The grid plugin has been re-arranged and somewhat refactored/improved,
> compared to a year a go.
> ExtJS Grids
> ----------------
> The ExtJS Grids are on there way. I have them working on my machine,
> but want to improve some small things before I will submit them to
> svn.
> Future
> =====
> In my next post I will provide a full example, how you can use the
> Grid in a reusable way.
> However first I will finish my ExtjsGrid plugin, to show the full
> potential of the GridPlugin.
> In short it will take my 10 lines in my controller to be able to
> generate a grid in html+javascript+json, using only one template!

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