
I'm using Symfony 1.4 with Doctrine.

I have a table named ExchServer, and I defined this functions to get
only the registers that has de active field set.

class ExchServerTable extends PluginExchServerTable
  public function getActive( Doctrine_Query $q = null )
    return $this->addActiveQuery( $q )->execute();

  public Function addActiveQuery( Doctrine_Query $q = null )
    if (is_null($q))
      $q = $this->createQuery('a');
    $alias = $q->getRootAlias();
    return $q;

In the module actions call:

class exch_serverActions extends sfActions
  public function executeIndex(sfWebRequest $request)
    $this->exch_servers = Doctrine::getTable('ExchServer')-

When I run the aplication, i've got the next error:

SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'a.active' in
'where clause'. Failing Query: "SELECT e.id AS e__id, e.name AS
e__name, e.dn AS e__dn, e.exchdn AS e__exchdn, e.created_at AS
e__created_at, e.updated_at AS e__updated_at, e.active AS e__active
FROM exch_server e WHERE (a.active)"

You could use any alias for the query 'a', 'b', .., all except 'e'
And 'e' works because is the initial of the table name. ( Check
Doctrine/Query.php line #500 )

Is this a bug, or I'm doing anything wrong ?

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