hi there,


1- "Why don't you have an `id` column on reservation in your schema?"
as i saw on jobeete example, they do not define any "id" column for
any of the DB tables..thats because symfony add it automatically for
each db table.

2- "have you tried to define the innerJoin as -
>innerJoin('r.ReservationDetail rd');" yes i have, but i got an error,
this is because as you can see in y first post, the schema defines
"foreignAlias: ReservationDetails" in plural. (Just like jobbet shcmea
example btw)

3- "which relations are defined in your BaseReservation class": this
are the relations of my BaseReservation and BaseReservationDetail

        $this->hasMany('ReservationDetail as ReservationDetails',
             'local' => 'id',
             'foreign' => 'reservation_id'));

        $this->hasOne('VolcanoLodgeReservation', array(
             'local' => 'reservation_id',
             'foreign' => 'id',
             'onDelete' => 'CASCADE'));
4- "You could also debug with `var_dump($reservations->toArray());`",
this is what it prints:

  0 =>
      'id' => string '1' (length=1)
      'name' => string 'hgjhg' (length=5)
      'email' => string '124' (length=3)
      'commets' => string 'wrwer' (length=5)
      'ReservationDetails' =>
          0 =>
          1 =>

Still cant get this thing work...any ideas?

PD: vivek pandey this post is not about how to install xampp with
symfony. Please make a new post and i will be glad to help you.

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security at symfony-project.com

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