Try this
I like it.

On 16 srp, 21:42, Joe666 <> wrote:
>  Hello guys,
> I installed the sfFormExtraPlugin as per the README file, then I
> downloaded jquery 1.4.2 and jquery UI 1.8.4, installed, included in the
> project, then I go to one of the admin generated forms for one of my
> tables and do this:
> class RoomInventoryForm extends BaseRoomInventoryForm
> {
>   public function configure()
>   {
>     $this->widgetSchema['creation'] = new sfWidgetFormJQueryDate();
>       $this->setDefaults(array(
>         'creation' => date("Y/m/d")
>       ));
>   }
> }
> Everything works in Internet Explorer, Firefox and Chrome, but Safari
> 5.0.1 (ipad/iphone as well) simply display a blank page with no HTML in
> it at all.
> I see the widget alright in all other browsers except Safari 5, I've
> searched around and found nothing similar, has anyone experienced this
> before ?
> Best Regards.
> --
> Luis Maga

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