class articleActions extends sfActions

   public function executeIndex(sfWebRequest $request)
    // sorting
    if ($request->getParameter('sort') && $this-
      $this->setSort(array($request->getParameter('sort'), $request-

    // pager
    if ($request->getParameter('page'))

        $this->sort = $this->getSort();
    $this->pager = $this->getPager();


  public function executeShow(sfWebRequest $request)
    $this->tracker_article = Doctrine::getTable('TrackerArticle')-

  public function executeConfirm(sfWebRequest $request)
    $this->tracker_article = Doctrine::getTable('TrackerArticle')-
   public function executeReturn(sfWebRequest $request)
    $this->tracker_article = Doctrine::getTable('TrackerArticle')-

   public function executeChangeStatus(sfWebRequest $request)
        $q= Doctrine_Query::create()
        ->set('id_statut_article', $id)
        $this->tracker_article = $q->execute();

   public function executeFilter(sfWebRequest $request)

    if ($request->hasParameter('_reset'))


    $this->filters = new TrackerArticleFormFilter($this-

    if ($this->filters->isValid())


    $this->pager = $this->getPager();
    $this->sort = $this->getSort();

     public function executeFilter(sfWebRequest $request)

    if ($request->hasParameter('_reset'))
      $this->setFilters(array()); //reset, filtre vide


    $this->filters = new TrackerArticleFormFilter($this-

    if ($this->filters->isValid())


    $this->pager = $this->getPager();
    $this->sort = $this->getSort();


  public function executeNew(sfWebRequest $request)
    $this->form = new TrackerArticleForm();

  public function executeCreate(sfWebRequest $request)

    $this->form = new TrackerArticleForm();

    $this->processForm($request, $this->form);


  public function executeEdit(sfWebRequest $request)
    $this->forward404Unless($tracker_article =
>getParameter('id'))), sprintf('Object tracker_article does not exist
(%s).', $request->getParameter('id')));
    $this->form = new TrackerArticleForm($tracker_article);

  public function executeUpdate(sfWebRequest $request)
    $this->forward404Unless($request->isMethod(sfRequest::POST) ||
    $this->forward404Unless($tracker_article =
>getParameter('id'))), sprintf('Object tracker_article does not exist
(%s).', $request->getParameter('id')));
    $this->form = new TrackerArticleForm($tracker_article);

    $this->processForm($request, $this->form);


  public function executeDelete(sfWebRequest $request)

    $this->forward404Unless($tracker_article =
>getParameter('id'))), sprintf('Object tracker_article does not exist
(%s).', $request->getParameter('id')));

  protected function processForm(sfWebRequest $request, sfForm $form)
    $form->bind($request->getParameter($form->getName()), $request-
    if ($form->isValid())
      $tracker_article = $form->save();

    protected function processForm(sfWebRequest $request, sfForm
    $form->bind($request->getParameter($form->getName()), $request-
    if ($form->isValid())
      $tracker_article = $form->save();


protected function getFilters()
    return $this->getUser()->getAttribute('article.filters', $this-

  protected function setFilters(array $filters)
    return $this->getUser()->setAttribute('article.filters',

  protected function getPager()
   $pager = new sfDoctrinePager('TrackerArticle',5);
   return $pager;


  protected function setPage($page)
    $this->getUser()->setAttribute('', $page);

  protected function getPage()
    return $this->getUser()->getAttribute('',1);

  protected function buildQuery()
     $this->filters = new TrackerArticleFormFilter($this-
    $query = $this->filters->buildQuery($this->getFilters());
    return $query;

  protected function addSortQuery($query)
    if (array(null, null) == ($sort = $this->getSort()))

    $query->addOrderBy($sort[0] . ' ' . $sort[1]);

  protected function getSort()
    if (null !== $sort = $this->getUser()-
>getAttribute('article.sort', null))
      return $sort;

    return $this->getUser()->getAttribute('article.sort');

  protected function setSort(array $sort)
    if (null !== $sort[0] && null === $sort[1])
      $sort[1] = 'asc';

    $this->getUser()->setAttribute('article.sort', $sort);

  // those methods are moved from configuration

  protected function getDefaultSort()
    return array(null, null);

  public function getFilterDefaults()
    return array();

  protected function isValidSortColumn($column)
    return Doctrine::getTable('TrackerArticle')->hasColumn($column);

On 27 août, 17:14, Gustavo Adrian <> wrote:
> Could you show us your action's code?
> On Fri, Aug 27, 2010 at 12:11 PM, ziclo <> wrote:
> > More explanation about this issue :
> > If the number of objects returned is > 10 then objects are displayed.
> > If number of objects returned < 10 then nothing is displayed.
> > I think there is a problem with the pager. But what ?
> > An idea ?
> > Thank you
> > On 6 août, 15:46, ziclo <> wrote:
> > > My symfony version : 1.4.1 withdoctrine
> > > On 6 août, 14:57, ziclo <> wrote:
> > > > Hi everybody !
> > > > On the frontend i have a module called "articles" which is composed by
> > > > a list of results. I usedoctrinepagerlike the one in the admin
> > > > backend.
> > > > I have set up a max number of rows for thepager(=10). I also use a
> > > >doctrinefilter (on the same view as result, like the admin backend).
> > > > Here is the sequence :
> > > > 1 / I select an article's category
> > > > 2 / I send the form (filter) by clicking on the submit button
> > > > 3 / A list of articles is displayed.
> > > > But if the result (number of articles found with the request (filter))
> > > > is < max per page parameter (10) nothing is displayed.
> > > > An idea ?
> > > > Thank you very much
> > --
> > If you want to report a vulnerability issue on symfony, please send it to
> > security at
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> > Groups "symfony users" group.
> > To post to this group, send email to
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> >

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