I'm using ahDoctrineEasyEmbeddedRelationsPlugin trunk (svn export)
with symfony 1.4.6 but having a problem displaying the relation when
using generator.yml.

Everything works great if I do `edit: display: ~` and `new: display:
~` in generator.yml. But I am using the `display:` option to order my
widgets in my form:

    display: [active, slideshow, featured, category_id, speaker,
speaker_title, title, start_time, end_time, location, special_text,
description, image_filename, image_alt_text, slideshow_image_filename,
slideshow_description, Documents, new_Documents]
#Should be the same as edit: above
    display: [active, slideshow, featured, category_id, speaker,
speaker_title, title, start_time, end_time, location, special_text,
description, image_filename, image_alt_text, slideshow_image_filename,
slideshow_description, Documents, new_Documents]

class EventForm extends BaseEventForm
    public function configure()
            'Documents' => array(
                'considerNewFormEmptyFields'    => array('filename',
                'noNewForm'                     => false,
                'newFormLabel'                  => 'New Documents',
                'newFormClass'                  => 'DocumentForm', //
Form class to add new objects
                //'newFormClassArgs'              =>
array(array('sf_user' => $this->getOption('sf_user'))),
                'displayEmptyRelations'         => false,
                'formClass'                     =>
'DocumentEmbeddedForm', //Form class to edit existing objects
                //'formClassArgs'                 =>
array(array('ah_add_delete_checkbox' => false, 'another_form_option'
=> '')),
                'newFormAfterExistingRelations' => true,
                'formFormatter'                 => null,
                'multipleNewForms'              => true,
                'newFormsInitialCount'          => 1,
                'newFormsContainerForm'         => null, // pass
BaseForm object here or we will create ahNewRelationsContainerForm
                'newRelationButtonLabel'        => '+ Add Another
                'newRelationAddByCloning'       => true,
                'newRelationUseJSFramework'     => 'jQuery',
                'customEmbeddedFormLabelMethod' => 'getLabelTitle',
Highlighted version: http://pastebin.com/8UJ3fhSH

To get the `Documents` relation to appear using generator.yml, I must
add `Documents` to embed the existing relations widget, and
`new_Documents` to embed the new relation widget.

My problem comes in the "edit" view when I don't have any existing
`Documents` relations, symfony gives the error `Widget "Documents"
does not exist.`

Is there a way I can use generator.yml to order my widgets and still
use this plugin? Or is there a different/better approach I can use?

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