sorry, with ODM it's DocumentManager

On 13 sep, 08:11, Florian <> wrote:
> hi! have a look in the cache/*container*.php and look at the
> getDoctrine_orm_*service methods. the Configuration class on
> EntityManager gives you a way to configure the namespaces used in a
> Dql query.
> not tested, but hope it helps!
> On 12 sep, 13:39, VolCh <> wrote:
> > Hello!
> > I try to play with sandbox and mongodb. Following the guide I create
> > bundle, controller, etc. and try to get collection from mongodb:
> > namespace Application\PageBundle\Controller;
> > use Symfony\Framework\FoundationBundle\Controller;
> > use Application\PageBundle\Document\Page;
> > class PageController extends Controller
> > {
> >     public function createAction($title, $body)
> >     {
> >         $dm = $this->container-
> > >getService('doctrine.odm.mongodb.document_manager');
> >         $page = new Page();
> >         $page->setTitle($title);
> >         $page->setBody($body);
> >         $dm->persist($page);
> >         $dm->flush();
> >         return $this->redirect($this->generateUrl('page_list'));
> >     }
> >     public function listAction()
> >     {
> >         $dm = $this->container-
> > >getService('doctrine.odm.mongodb.document_manager');
> >         $pages = $dm->find('Page');
> >         return $this->render('PageBundle:Page:list', array('pages' =>
> > $pages));
> >     }
> > }
> > This isn't works in listAction(), i get:
> > "500 Internal Server Error - ErrorException
> > Warning: class_parents(): Class Page does not exist and could not be
> > loaded in /home/volch/symfony2-sandbox/src/vendor/doctrine-mongodb/lib/
> > Doctrine/ODM/MongoDB/Mapping/ClassMetadataFactory.php line 279"
> > When I try "$dm->find('Application\PageBundle\Document\Page');" it's
> > works fine.
> > So I think to use find('Page') I must register in somewhere
> > "Application\PageBundle\Document\Page" as "Page" or use "use
> > Application\PageBundle\Document\Page;" somewhere else. But i can't
> > find place for it.
> > Please show me this place. Thanks.
> > P.S. I use annotations in Application\PageBundle\Document\Page and
> > they are works in createAction()

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