It could come from an issue with the session read/write, plese see:

On Nov 9, 5:15 pm, gordonslondon <> wrote:
> Hi,
> After successfully login with the security component, i dump
> $container->get('security.context')->getUser(); wich return null, in
> the debug toolbar the user is still "anon.".
> What i've checked:
>  - Nothing interesting in logs.
>  - There's no error message, all went fine.
>  - The user is found and his password is encoded like described in the
> documentation.
>  - After login, i'm redirected to /index.php/ like a successful login
> (but still non logged).
> security.config:
>     providers:
>         main:
>             password_encoder: sha1
>             entity: { class: GordBundle:Account, property: email }
>     firewalls:
>         login_check: { pattern: /login_check, security: true,
> anonymous: true, form-login: true }
>         backend:
>             pattern:    /admin/.*
>             form_login: true
>             logout:  true
>         public:
>             pattern:    /.*
>             security: false
>             form_login: true
> Normally the user should be logged in, but not.
> Is someone has any idea on why i can't login ?

If you want to report a vulnerability issue on symfony, please send it to 
security at

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