Hello everyone.

I'm using sf1.4 with Doctrine ORM.

I'm facing some kind of problems.
I've got a backend app generated, with tables acting as i18n.
No problems with that, everything works fine, as soon as it stays in

Due to ergonomic and functionnality requirements made by the customer,
i've to simplify to the maximum the "edit" and "new" forms.
To do that i wanted to use partial.
But as i declare the partials in the "form"->"display" in the
generator.yml, the i18n fields in the form don't appear anymore, even
if i try to declare them in the "display" in the generator

Moreover, this backend app would be editable by languages admins.
I mean that they could only edit the language they're allowed to. I've
build my credentials and sfDoctrineGuard to make this work, but in my /
lib/forms/doctrine/<modelname>Form.class.php, i can't use $sf_user or
$this->getGuardUser to allow or not the use of i.e. : $this-
>widgetSchema->setLabel('en', 'English');

If you need more information or code snippets, i can provide some to
figure it better.
Thanks for your help !

Kind regards,
P-A Coipeault

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