Original site:
symfony 1.0.17 (svn install)
mysql 4.x
php uknown
os: some *nix flavor
orm: propel

New site:
symfony 1.0.17 (pear Install)
mysql 5.1
php uknown
os: linux
orm: propel

I'm a newbie and a LAMP engineer.

I have a site to bring back online which was taken down from another
server, compressed and sent to me.  Some of the files were corrupted,
mostly .svn and pdf files, but a few action classes as well.

I have never seen this site live and have little familiarity with
other than knowing it was a product catalog site with no ecommerce.
The ORM was propel, about which I have a little familiarity.

The original site was an svn installation.  For the new environment I
did a pear install of the original symfony version and I've pointed
apache to the web directory.  I don't know enough to know if I should
be using a higher version of sf, should switch to doctrine instead of
propel or what the best way is to proceed with this migration.

I did a pear install of sf, created a new project and pointed apache
to the web dir within the project folder.  Is this the way to go?  If
it is, what's the best way to sort out all the pathing and what paths
need to be sorted?

For the database, I've set it up with the same name, user and login as
the old site.  NS if I have all the tables.

Any throughts and advice are very much appreciated!

Any thoughts/help would be really appreciated!

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security at symfony-project.com

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