Sounds good =), i will take a look and see the spanish translations.

On 18 January 2011 19:40, Tom Boutell <> wrote:

> At long last, Apostrophe 1.5 has been released. It was worth the wait.
> Apostrophe, for those who don't know, is a content management system
> built on Symfony. It has been through several stable releases and is in
> use on many production sites. You can learn more here:
> Here’s a partial list of new features. We’ve tried hard to edit this
> down and remove technical things you’ll discover simply by enjoying a
> better experience, but it is still a long list!
> * Manual cropping in the media repository. You can now select images
> that would not have met the constraints for a particular slot
> previously, as long as you crop them
> * Big improvements in performance: CSS and JavaScript are minified and
> compressed to reduce the number of requests and the amount of traffic,
> speeding page load and helping the server run more smoothly. A new
> JavaScript integration strategy improves overall performance as well
> * Page permissions completely reworked: you can now set “view”
> permissions on a per-page, per-individual-or-group basis. Edit
> permissions can now be set on a per-group-or-individual basis.
> Inheritance of permissions from parent pages has been discarded in
> favor of explicit one-time “cascade to child pages” features
> * Pages you cannot visit due to a lack of privileges are no longer
> shown in navigation
> * “Audio” media type added, allowing you to directly host MP3 files
> with a nice MP3 player and an audio slot that embeds it
> * Built-in support for the LESS CSS compiler make stylesheets much
> easier to maintain
> * Media types are much more open. For instance there is now an
> “Office” type for MS Office documents, plus text files and a few other
> related things. You can override these types via app.yml
> * We added a “File” slot and deprecated the old PDF slot. The “File”
> slot can be used for any downloadable file format you have chosen to
> allow on the site, such as a Word document
> * Vimeo, Viddler and SlideShare now gets the same “special treatment”
> as YouTube when adding video (integrated search, support for pasting
> just the URL), and there is a simple way to add support for more such
> embedded services via plugins. We've also improved our support for
> "unknown" embed codes
> * You can set up Vimeo, Viddler, SlideShare and YouTube accounts to be
> automatically synced to your media repository via a cron job and our
> new “Linked Accounts” feature. This too can be extended
> * Videos can be replaced with new videos, even videos from another
> service, without editing each slot that uses them
> * A new “Smart Slideshow” slot brings in images automatically via
> categories or tags
> * Categories have been unified throughout the site; there is a single
> category admin page. This makes Apostrophe more consistent and
> extensible
> * A single “Upload Media” form now accepts all permitted file types,
> no more separate UIs for images vs. PDFs etc. Uploaded filenames are
> automatically “humanized” to become a suggested title, saves a great
> deal of time if your media is already well-labeled
> * iPhone and other cameras that save orientation hints in JPEGs are
> now fully compatible, Apostrophe auto-rotates these images
> * Pages now have meta tag and description fields; Google doesn’t care
> about tags, but our internal search feature can leverage them to
> produce more relevant results
> * Eliminated confusing distinction between “template-based” and
> “engine” pages (engines still exist "under the hood" for developers).
> There is one page type menu and configuration has been simplified as
> well
> * New import-site task accepts XML files and loads a full-fledged
> Apostrophe site, including conversion of HTML blocks with embedded
> images into a series of rich text and image slots in an area
> * Batch import of all filetypes supported by the upgraded media
> repository (Word, Excel, etc. in addition to images, PDFs…)
> * Button slots can now feature an optional rich text description for
> more flexibility
> * Search has been enhanced. You can now search on specific fields
> (title, slug, tags, categories, body) and appropriate fields are given
> extra weight in ordinary search results. Example: title:”monkey
> mittens”
> * The culture can be part of the page URL for better SEO of
> internationalized sites
> * Apostrophe sites can be a subdirectory of an existing site (although
> we strongly recommend a holistic rethink of your site if you're
> considering this in most cases)
> * Better pagination
> * “This Page” button eliminated in favor of separate “Page Settings”
> and “Add Page” buttons. You can now set all of the properties of a new
> page at creation time. Managing pages is just plain pleasant
> * Many other usability improvements
> * Full names and email addresses are now part of the user management
> system, not just usernames
> **** Blog Plugin Upgrades ****
> * A major upgrade to blog plugin functionality, stability and usability
> * Apostrophe’s events feature is integrated with Google Calendar,
> Outlook and iCal among others thanks to the vCalendar standard. Fully
> tested for Outlook compatibility back to 2003
> * Completely revamped the "blog posts" and "events" slots with
> excellent typeahead search for picking individual posts, easy
> selection of tags and categories for automatic selection of relevant
> content
> * Extensive usability and reliability improvements to the blog and
> event editing and browsing experience
> * Separate public blog pages can be separately designed, in addition
> to selecting specific categories for inclusion as before
> * Category, tag, search and date filters can be combined naturally
> when browsing events and blog posts
> * Blog posts can be searched from within the blog, events can be
> searched from within the events calendar
> * Better outgoing RSS feeds from the blog plugin
> * * *
> The team has worked long and hard on Apostrophe 1.5 and we look
> forward to building many beautiful sites with it. We know you will
> too.
> We’d also like to acknowledge numerous thoughtful tickets and helpful
> patches from the Apostrophe open source community. Your contributions
> make Apostrophe a better and more stable content management system for
> everyone.
> * * *
> Apostrophe 1.5 is now the latest stable and officially supported
> release of Apostrophe. We are upgrading our own projects and there is
> an upgrade page in the Wiki. We are addressing security bugs in 1.4,
> but the answer to many questions will henceforth be "first upgrade to
> 1.5."
> Finally, a note about i18n: yes, we know we need to make up to date
> i18n phrases available and give svn access to more translators, and we
> will hit that. Feel free to nag me about it. (:
> --
> Tom Boutell
> P'unk Avenue
> 215 755 1330
> --
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Nicolas G. Ardison

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