
Ran into an issue with the EntityChoiceField.  I am rendering a SELECT
field with city names.  If I use a literal value (ie. 2) in the
query_builder param of the EntityChoiceField everything works
perfectly.  If I substitute that with a variable value I get an empty
select.  Also, I have printed out the value of the state_id from the
request and it prints the correct value.

Any help would be appreciated.


Here is the code where I create the field.

This is the code for the controller that is fetching the select field

$params['city_select'] = $this-
>forward('UserBundle:Ajax:getCitySelectByStateId', array(),
array('state_id' => 2))->getContent();

$params gets passed to the view

This is the code from my AjaxController which should return these db
driven fields on demand.

    public function getCitySelectByStateIdAction() {
        $em = $this->get('doctrine.orm.entity_manager');
        $request = $this->get('request');

                return new Response('ERROR');  //NOT GETTING AN ERROR

        $state_id = (int)$request->get('state_id');

        $field = new EntityChoiceField($name, array(
                'em' => $em,
                'class' => 'ARN\EntityBundle\Entity\Cities',
                'property' => 'city_name',
                'query_builder' => function($repository) {
                     return $repository->createQueryBuilder('cities')-
>where('cities.state_id = :state_id')->setParameter('state_id',

        return $this->render('UserBundle:Ajax:form_field.html.twig',
array('field' => $field));

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