Hi there !

Ok I succeeded in creating a Repository using your help, and using the
"annotation" type, and modifying the Entities by hand to prepend with
But it is not convenient, and moreover the generated entities are not
complete and are overwrited each time (and not merged, so I lose my

I'd rather stick with the yml generation.
I use :
php app/console doctrine:mapping:import MainBundle yml
Then :
php app/console doctrine:generate:entities MainBundle
And :
php app/console doctrine:generate:repositories MainBundle

But that last command is stubborn and keeps skipping my Entities. I
think I have to modify the generated yml files (Resources/config/
but I could not find tips either in Symfony or Doctrine online

If anyone knows how to modify my yml file in order not to be skipped
during the generate:repositories command, I would love that :)

Here is a sample generated yml file :
  type: entity
  table: member
      // and so on

Thanks to all !

On 24 fév, 20:30, olimination <oliminat...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm not an expert too, but I have managed to configure a working
> custom Repository class for my entity.
> My main problem was, that I have used a incorrect annotation like
> this:
> /**
>  * @orm:Entity
>  * @entity(repositoryClass="Laboda\LabodaAdminBundle\Entity
> \WishRepository")
>  */
> class MyEntityName
> { ...
> The problem was that I have used only "@entity(repositoryClass=...)"
> instead of "@orm:entity(repositoryClass...)"
> And for a correct entity configuration you have to set an "id" or
> primary key field, something like that(in annotation form):
> /**
>  * @orm:Entity
>  * @orm:entity(repositoryClass="MyBundle\Entity
> \MyEntityRepositoryClass")
>  */
> class MyEntityName
> {
>     /**
>      * @orm:Id
>      * @orm:Column(type="integer")
>      * @orm:GeneratedValue(strategy="IDENTITY")
>      */
>     protected $id;
> ...
> greets,
> Oli
> On Feb 24, 8:13 pm, taidehuone <taidehu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I'm no expert in any way but since I have working repositories I might as
> > well drop a line or two on this.
> > Personally I have never called the doctrine:generate:repositories task. I
> > have created the repository files and entity files by hand so that the file
> > structure looks like this. I don't know if this follows the best practices
> > because I might be outdated on that, but it works with the latest master
> > branch version of symfony 2.
> > src/Warbler/AccountBundle/Entity/Account.php
> > src/Warbler/AccountBundle/Entity/AccountRepository.php
> > src/Warbler/AccountBundle/Entity/OrganizationAccount.php
> > src/Warbler/AccountBundle/Entity/OrganizationAccountRepository.php
> > My Entity definition starts like this:
> > <?php
> > namespace Warbler\AccountBundle\Entity;
> > use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User\AccountInterface;
> > use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User\AdvancedAccountInterface;
> > /**
> >  *
> > @orm:Entity(repositoryClass="Warbler\AccountBundle\Entity\AccountRepository­")
> >  */
> > class Account implements AdvancedAccountInterface
> > {
> > }
> > And my Repository definition starts like this:
> > <?php
> > namespace Warbler\AccountBundle\Entity;
> > use Doctrine\ORM\EntityRepository;
> > class AccountRepository extends EntityRepository
> > {
> > }

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