I've watching more carefully the token echo, and show thet's the value
credentials is NULL.
\UsernamePasswordToken":private]=> NULL

Any idea, thnks

On Apr 8, 8:58 pm, Alvaro Touzon <alvaro.tou...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Yes,
> My security, is :
> security:
>     encoders:
>         #Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User\User: plaintext
>         Infocasas\PublicBundle\Entity\SwapUser:
>           algorithm: md5
>           encode-as-base64: true
>           iterations: 10
>     role_hierarchy:
>         ROLE_ADMIN:       ROLE_USER
>     providers:
>         main:
>             entity: { class: InfocasasPublic:SwapUser, property: username }
>         in_memory:
>             users:
>                 user:  { password: userpass, roles: [ 'ROLE_USER' ] }
>                 admin: { password: adminpass, roles: [ 'ROLE_ADMIN' ] }
>     firewalls:
>         main:
>           pattern: .*
>           form_login:
>               check_path: /login_check
>               login_path: /login
>           logout: true
>           security: true
>           anonymous: true
>         profiler:
>             pattern:  ^/_profiler
>             security: false
>         wdt:
>             pattern:  ^/_wdt
>             security: false
>         login:
>             pattern:  ^/demo/secured/login$
>             security: false
>         secured_area:
>             pattern:    ^/demo/secured/
>             form_login:
>                 check_path: /demo/secured/login_check
>                 login_path: /demo/secured/login
>             logout:
>                 path:   /demo/secured/logout
>                 target: /demo/
>             #anonymous: ~
>             #http_basic:
>             #    realm: "Secured Demo Area"
>     access_control:
>         #- { path: /login, roles: IS_AUTHENTICATED_ANONYMOUSLY,
> requires_channel: https }
>         - { path: /admin/.*, role: ROLE_USER }
>         - { path: /.*, role: IS_AUTHENTICATED_ANONYMOUSLY }
> But, how i can to make the var_dump to mine provider?
> That's a var_dump of the token into AbstractToken:
> object(Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token\UsernamePasswordToken)#198
> (6) {
> ["credentials":"Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token\UsernamePasswordToken":private]=>
> ["providerKey":"Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token\UsernamePasswordToken":private]=>
> string(4) "main"
> ["user":"Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token\AbstractToken":private]=>
> string(3) "ats"
> ["roles":"Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token\AbstractToken":private]=>
> array(0) { }
> ["authenticated":"Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token\AbstractToken":private]=>
> bool(false)
> ["attributes":"Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token\AbstractToken":private]=>
> array(0) { } }
> 2011/4/8 Gustavo Adrian <comfortablynum...@gmail.com>
> > Can you show us your security config? and try tu var_dump what entity is
> > your provider returning
> > 2011/4/8 kassel <alvaro.tou...@gmail.com>
> >> Hi Gustavo.
> >> I've use the ROLE_ADMON as default value for it
> >> code from Entity:
> >> public function getRoles(){
> >>        return array("ROLE_USER");
> >>    }
> >> And nothing the same point of exception, and same value of $this-
> >> >getCredentials()==NULL
> >> Waht i made wraon,  my code is basic, only uses an entity for
> >> validate, into logs i've saw that make an query to BD with username
> >> Thanks
> >> On Apr 8, 8:16 pm, Gustavo Adrian <comfortablynum...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> > One thing I've noticed. Your role is ADMON. If your roles are defined as
> >> > strings, they should have the "ROLE_" prefix as stated here:
> >> >http://symfony.com/doc/2.0/book/security/users.html#roles
> >> > <http://symfony.com/doc/2.0/book/security/users.html#roles>So your role
> >> > should be ROLE_ADMON
> >> > 2011/4/8 kassel <alvaro.tou...@gmail.com>
> >> > > Hi, i founded the exception
> >> > > its here:
> >> > > if (!$presentedPassword = $token->getCredentials()) {
> >> > >                throw new
> >> > > BadCredentialsException($presentedPassword.'Bad credentials est!?='.
> >> > > $token->getCredentials()." MODR ");
> >> > >            }
> >> > > if i try to draw the value, it's NULL
> >> > > What i make bad?
> >> > > thnks
> >> > > On Apr 8, 12:50 pm, kassel <alvaro.tou...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> > > > Hi every, i'm using the same tuto, and gives an
> >> > > > "AuthenticationServiceException", and when i look at the bootom saw
> >> > > > i'm  authenticated by anonymous, and got not Roles.
> >> > > > My Global user Class implements UserInterface
> >> > > > and it this:
> >> > > > <?php
> >> > > > namespace Callcenter\PrivateBundle\Entity;
> >> > > > use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User\UserInterface;
> >> > > > /**
> >> > > >  * Callcenter\PrivateBundle\Entity\GlobalUser
> >> > > >  *
> >> > > >  * @orm:Table(name="global_user")
> >> > > >  * @orm:Entity
> >> > > >  */
> >> > > > class GlobalUser implements UserInterface
> >> > > > {
> >> > > >     protected $userRoles=array("ADMON");
> >> > > >     /**
> >> > > >      * @var integer $id
> >> > > >      *
> >> > > >      * @orm:Column(name="id", type="integer", nullable=false)
> >> > > >      * @orm:Id
> >> > > >      * @orm:GeneratedValue(strategy="IDENTITY")
> >> > > >      */
> >> > > >     private $id;
> >> > > >     /**
> >> > > >      * @var string $name
> >> > > >      *
> >> > > >      * @orm:Column(name="name", type="string", length=25,
> >> > > > nullable=false)
> >> > > >      */
> >> > > >     private $username;
> >> > > >     /**
> >> > > >      * @var string $pwd
> >> > > >      *
> >> > > >      * @orm:Column(name="pwd", type="string", length=25,
> >> > > > nullable=false)
> >> > > >      */
> >> > > >     private $password;
> >> > > >     /**
> >> > > >      * @var string $hash
> >> > > >      *
> >> > > >      * @orm:Column(name="hash", type="string", length=45,
> >> > > > nullable=false)
> >> > > >      */
> >> > > >     private $hash;
> >> > > >     /**
> >> > > >      * @var string $type
> >> > > >      *
> >> > > >      * @orm:Column(name="type", type="string", length=5,
> >> > > > nullable=false)
> >> > > >      */
> >> > > >     private $type;
> >> > > >     /**
> >> > > >      * @var datetime $createdAt
> >> > > >      *
> >> > > >      * @orm:Column(name="created_at", type="datetime",
> >> nullable=false)
> >> > > >      */
> >> > > >     private $createdAt;
> >> > > >     /**
> >> > > >      * @var datetime $updatedAt
> >> > > >      *
> >> > > >      * @orm:Column(name="updated_at", type="datetime",
> >> nullable=false)
> >> > > >      */
> >> > > >     private $updatedAt;
> >> > > >     /**
> >> > > >      * @var integer $active
> >> > > >      *
> >> > > >      * @orm:Column(name="active", type="integer", nullable=false)
> >> > > >      */
> >> > > >     private $active;
> >> > > >     /**
> >> > > >      * Get id
> >> > > >      *
> >> > > >      * @return integer $id
> >> > > >      */
> >> > > >     public function getId()
> >> > > >     {
> >> > > >         return $this->id;
> >> > > >     }
> >> > > >     /**
> >> > > >      * Set name
> >> > > >      *
> >> > > >      * @param string $name
> >> > > >      */
> >> > > >     /*public function setName($name)
> >> > > >     {
> >> > > >         $this->name = $name;
> >> > > >     }*/
> >> > > >     /**
> >> > > >      * Get name
> >> > > >      *
> >> > > >      * @return string $name
> >> > > >      */
> >> > > >     /*public function getName()
> >> > > >     {
> >> > > >         return $this->name;
> >> > > >     }*/
> >> > > >     /**
> >> > > >      * Set pwd
> >> > > >      *
> >> > > >      * @param string $pwd
> >> > > >      */
> >> > > >    /* public function setPwd($pwd)
> >> > > >     {
> >> > > >         $this->pwd = $pwd;
> >> > > >     }*/
> >> > > >     /**
> >> > > >      * Get pwd
> >> > > >      *
> >> > > >      * @return string $pwd
> >> > > >      */
> >> > > >     /*public function getPwd()
> >> > > >     {
> >> > > >         return $this->pwd;
> >> > > >     }*/
> >> > > >     /**
> >> > > >      * Set hash
> >> > > >      *
> >> > > >      * @param string $hash
> >> > > >      */
> >> > > >     public function setHash($hash)
> >> > > >     {
> >> > > >         $this->hash = $hash;
> >> > > >     }
> >> > > >     /**
> >> > > >      * Get hash
> >> > > >      *
> >> > > >      * @return string $hash
> >> > > >      */
> >> > > >     public function getHash()
> >> > > >     {
> >> > > >         return $this->hash;
> >> > > >     }
> >> > > >     /**
> >> > > >      * Set type
> >> > > >      *
> >> > > >      * @param string $type
> >> > > >      */
> >> > > >     public function setType($type)
> >> > > >     {
> >> > > >         $this->type = $type;
> >> > > >     }
> >> > > >     /**
> >> > > >      * Get type
> >> > > >      *
> >> > > >      * @return string $type
> >> > > >      */
> >> > > >     public function getType()
> >> > > >     {
> >> > > >         return $this->type;
> >> > > >     }
> >> > > >     /**
> >> > > >      * Set createdAt
> >> > > >      *
> >> > > >      * @param datetime $createdAt
> >> > > >      */
> >> > > >     public function setCreatedAt($createdAt)
> >> > > >     {
> >> > > >         $this->createdAt = $createdAt;
> >> > > >     }
> >> > > >     /**
> >> > > >      * Get createdAt
> >> > > >      *
> >> > > >      * @return datetime $createdAt
> >> > > >      */
> >> > > >     public function getCreatedAt()
> >> > > >     {
> >> > > >         return $this->createdAt;
> >> > > >     }
> >> > > >     /**
> >> > > >      * Set updatedAt
> >> > > >      *
> >> > > >      * @param datetime $updatedAt
> >> > > >      */
> >> > > >     public function setUpdatedAt($updatedAt)
> >> > > >     {
> >> > > >         $this->updatedAt = $updatedAt;
> >> > > >     }
> >> > > >     /**
> >> > > >      * Get updatedAt
> >> > > >      *
> >> > > >      * @return datetime $updatedAt
> >> > > >      */
> >> > > >     public function getUpdatedAt()
> >> > > >     {
> >> > > >         return $this->updatedAt;
> >> > > >     }
> >> > > >     /**
> >> > > >      * Set active
> >> > > >      *
> >> > > >      * @param integer $active
> >> > > >      */
> >> > > >     public function setActive($active)
> >> > > >     {
> >> > > >         $this->active = $active;
> >> > > >     }
> >> > > >     /**
> >> > > >      * Get active
> >> > > >      *
> >> > > >      * @return integer $active
> >> > > >      */
> >> > > >     public function getActive()
> >> > > >     {
> >> > > >         return
> ...
> read more »

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