Hey there-

I'd say that both are fine. If you simply want to add comments to your
articles, I'd just start with having them inside the same bundle. The
advantage of having them in two bundles is more separation/
organization (and if your Blog bundle isn't too big, that's not a huge
concern) and being able to reuse *just* your Blog functionality
(without comments) or *just* your comment functionality (without the
Blog) in other projects.

So, I recommend putting them in the same bundle - you an of course
separate them into two bundles later if you need to.

Good luck!

On Apr 9, 6:02 am, nYmo <symf...@gregorpanek.de> wrote:
> Hi all,
> i'm still in the learning process of symfony 2. For my learning
> procedure i started to develop a small Blog application which should
> include some basic articles,comments and admin interface and so on.
> I'm not finished yet to read the whole symfony 2 book but read already
> the chapter about bundles and some other stuff.
> My main problem is now how to organize my src code in symfony 2 in a
> bundle?
> I will use for my description the article and comment behaviour. So
> they have a one to many relation and i start to build my Articles. So
> i put the under this folder structure:
> /src
>   /Blog
>      /ArticleBundle
> There i have my normal controller folder and so on. When I'm done with
> the Articles i want to add the Comments for this Article. Now where
> should i put the Code? Shoul i create a new Bundle called
> CommentBundle?
> /src
>   /Blog
>     /CommentBundle
> or is it possible / is it the better way to put the src under this
> structure
> /src
>   /Blog
>     /Controller
>       ->ArticleController.php
>       ->CommentController.php
>    /views
>      /Article
>      /Comment
> What is the more convenient way?
> Thanks in advance and kind regards
> G.P

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