Hi there,
A client asked me to upload their website to 1&1. I said ok, expecting
some database setup along with the file uploads but no great hassle. I
took a look: it's a symfony1.4 app -- should be no problem, I thought,
although I've never worked with symfony. After setting up the database
and importing the schema+data it didn't work, so I did a quick search
which yielded 
-- so  I added a php.ini and put the php5 stuff in the .htaccess, like
Options +FollowSymLinks +ExecCGI

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
  RewriteEngine On

  RewriteRule ^sf(/.*)?$ ../lib/symfony14/data/web/sf$1 [L]

  AddType x-mapp-php5 .php
  AddHandler x-mapp-php5 .php

  RewriteBase /

  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} \..+$
  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !\.html$
  RewriteRule .* - [L]

  RewriteRule ^$ index.html [QSA]
  RewriteRule ^([^.]+)$ $1.html [QSA]
  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f

  RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php [QSA,L]

Now, when I access the domain directly (http.//domain.com/), I get an
internal server error. When I access the index.php, I get this
# ->getLanguages()
not ok 1 - ->getLanguages() returns an empty array if the client do
not send an ACCEPT_LANGUAGE header
#     Failed test ([..]/lib/symfony14/test/unit/request/
sfWebRequestTest.php at line 55)
#            got: array (
  0 => 'en_US',
  1 => 'en',
#       expected: array (
ok 2 - ->getLanguages() returns an empty array if the client send an
empty ACCEPT_LANGUAGE header
ok 6 - ->getPreferredCulture() returns the preferred culture
# ->getCharsets()
not ok 7 - ->getCharsets() returns an empty array if the client do not
send an ACCEPT_CHARSET header
#     Failed test ([..]/lib/symfony14/test/unit/request/
sfWebRequestTest.php at line 83)
#            got: array (
  0 => 'ISO-8859-1',
  1 => '*',
  2 => 'utf-8',
#       expected: array (
ok 8 - ->getCharsets() returns an empty array if the client send an
empty ACCEPT_CHARSET header
ok 9 - ->getCharsets() returns an array with all accepted charsets
# ->getAcceptableContentTypes()
not ok 10 - ->getAcceptableContentTypes() returns an empty array if
the client do not send an ACCEPT header
#     Failed test ([..]/lib/symfony14/test/unit/request/
sfWebRequestTest.php at line 96)
#            got: array (
  0 => 'text/html',
  1 => 'application/xhtml+xml',
  2 => 'application/xml',
  3 => '*/*',
#       expected: array (
ok 11 - ->getAcceptableContentTypes() returns an empty array if the
client send an empty ACCEPT header
ok 60 - ->getPathInfo() returns the url path value if it not exists
use default REQUEST_URI without query
not ok 61 - ->getPathInfo() returns the url path value if it not
exists use default /
#     Failed test ([..]/lib/symfony14/test/unit/request/
sfWebRequestTest.php at line 306)
#            got: '/test/klaus2'
#       expected: '/'
# getPathInfo
ok 62 - ->getRequestParameters() returns the request parameters
default array

As I said, I haven't worked with symfony before, so I don't know how
to deal with this, especially since 1&1 is as incompetent as ever and
also won't give me any useful data like error logs.

I did try this on my home dev machine. The app didn't exactly work out
of the box but the stuff above did not occur, plus I fixed the error
on my machine within a few minutes. Also, the guy who initially coded
the app can't be contacted, so no help from there.

Has anyone any useful idea or even experience with this kind of stuff?


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