correction, the WebConfiguratorBundle is in vendor/bundles/Symfony/

entering http://local.symfony2/app_dev.php/_configurator/step/0 gets
me to the page where I enter the db details but then If I hit next,
I'm back at my original error (with the exception that it is now 'No
route found for "POST /_configurator/step')

On Apr 25, 3:19 pm, codecowboy <> wrote:
> I have installed Symfony2 PR12 which displays the welcome page and
> demo application. However, when I try to use the configurator, I get
> the error:
> # request.ERROR: Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception
> \NotFoundHttpException: No route found for "GET /_configurator/
> step" (uncaught exception)
> The error is occurs when I go 
> tohttp://local.symfony2/app_dev.php/_configurator/
> I have the following in routing_dev.yml:
> _configurator:
>     resource: "@SymfonyWebConfiguratorBundle/Resources/config/routing/
> configurator.xml"
>     prefix:   /_configurator
> But can't see a WebConfiguratorBundle anywhere.
> Any ideas how to resolve? I installed without vendors and ran:
>  * `bin/` (use `--min` if you don't want all the history)
>  * `bin/build_bootstrap.php`
>  * `app/console assets:install web/`
> The readme says I should be able to access config.php in a browser to
> do this.

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