Le 26/05/2011 07:37, oscar balladares a écrit :
Hi Symfony family.

I'm having troubles getting Symfony2 to work on a Shared Hosting enviroment.

I would appreciate if you can point me how to set up a S2 application to be deployed on a shared hosting.

If this helps in any way, this is what I have done so far without success:

On my local box, I'm trying to simulate a Shared Hosting enviroment, this is because I will soon deploy my first production ready Symfony2 application. I'm trying to set up everything to just upload the application and run in on servergrove shared hosting service (comercial publicity not intented).

I'm using pure Alias directive (because on a shared hosting you don't have the power of a virtual host configuration, this is for simulation purpose).

it reads as follow:

Alias /application /var/www/php/symfony2/application

Also, on a shared hosting you must have the index.php on the web root. So I moved "app.php" (the bundled with Standard Edition) to the root directory as "index.php" (I also moved /web content to the root directory due to css and images issues).

My .htaccess file reads as follow:

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteRule ^(.*)$ application/index.php [QSA,L]

I think I have something wrong with the .htaccess file (I'm have very poor knowledge of mod_rewrite, shame on me!)

if I request localhost/applicaton/index.php everything is fine (also links, form submitting and redirections). A link will redirects, for example, to localhost/application/index.php/login (notice the "index.php" inclusion)

But of course, nobody will write the trailing "index.php" when requesting the site, instead they will write localhost/application. (nobody writes symfony.com/index.php <http://symfony.com/index.php>, they will just type symfony.com <http://symfony.com>)

Requesting the previous url shows and run the application, but a link will redirects to , for example, "localhost/application/login"
(notice the "index.php" not being included).

This will lead the server to return a "broken link" error message.

mod_rewrite is working properly for virtual host configuration. I'm using Fedora Linux 14.

Thanks for reading so far.
Any  help will be enormusly welcome!

When the site is not at the root of the domain, you need to add a RewriteBase rule in your rewriting.

Christophe | Stof

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