hi, everyone

I set validation.yml to an entity like below:

- NotBlank: {message: Title field is required.}

so when I create a form, it automatically validate the form input, it
always stop posting if title field is empty, as i set tht entity
constraint. it's very good when I create a new blog and edit a new
blog, but what if I create a search form, the title field is not
required to input, and I want to leave the title field empty, when the
form post, it will search all blogs as there is no keyword attach to
the SQL SELECT statement. I search google for long time, as not
related answer, I still struggled about this problem,

        public function searchAction() {

                $em = $this->get('doctrine')->getEntityManager();

                $request = $this->get('request');

                // search form
                // ========================================
                $blog = new Blog();

                $blogType = new BlogType($em);

                $form = $this->get('form.factory')->create($blogType, $blog);
                // =========================================

                // If the request method is POST then process the form 
                if ($request->getMethod() == 'POST') {



                return $this->render('AcmeDefaultBundle:Blog:search.html.twig',
                        'form' => $form->createView(),
                        'blog' => $blog

DO I need to create a new entity which there is no constraint to the
title property? OR take out the constraint to the validation.yml and
is it possible to set constraint dynamically to title field after form

Any help would be very appreciated.

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