On 6/10/11 2:32 PM, Georg wrote:

I am not yet using sf2.

I am quite frustrated with the mailing list ATM.

I used to read the mailing list along to help people when I knew
something, learned a few tricks from answers by others, and had a place
to get quick answers.

Now on most mails I don't even understand the subject, I don't bother to
find the mails where I could help, and i don't ask anymore, because
obviously most sf1 users act in the same way as I do.
Check how many sf1 questions were asked and answered 5 moth ago and now.
This could either mean that nobody is using sf1 any more (which I doubt)
or the list is not working for sf1 people any more (which is the case IMO).

[RANT]I wonder what are the things that are shared between symfony 1 and
symfony 2? That both are a PHP MVC framework and have the same name?
TO me this feels like if I had a single mailing list for Drupal and
Typo3, because both are PHP CMS[/RANT]

Yes and no. They share the same philosophy but the implementation details are different. The web evolves very fast and so the framework should also evolve.

[RANT2]Check http://www.symfony-project.org/installation:
sf1.4 is the only stable symfony version ATM, and is supported until
november 2012. I strongly hope (even if I have a different feeling),
that at least until mid 2012, sf1 is not treated as legacy. There isn't
even an update possible, I am afraid that companies will rethink their
decision to develop in symfony if they are left standing in the rain.

symfony1 is very stable and the few pain points are not really fixable without badly breaking BC. I review all the tickets and I've done some bug fixes in the last few weeks on symfony 1.4. But frankly, there is not a lot to do. Anyway, we are about to release a new version of symfony 1.4 including these minor fixes.

(Yes, I know this mail
http://groups.google.com/group/symfony-devs/msg/f13ab956a61567cc by
fabien, let me quote:
[QUOTE]Keep in mind that symfony is an Open-Source project, so everybody
can contribute and scratch its itch. The core developers and all plugin
developers are all working for free. Of course, Sensio sponsors the
framework, of course it dedicates a lot of time and money to it, and of
it can even provide extended support for all versions for companies
willing to pay. And do you know how many companies, except Sensio
customers, signed up for extended support in the last 2 years? None!
Yep, that's right, not a single one. [/QUOTE]

That's why I would like to have symfony-users and syomfony2-users as
opposed to symfony-legacy-users.

As always, keep up the great work. And I will switch to sf2, when it is
stable (and probably has 1 as minor version number ;-) or when the
*symfony2-users* list doesn't complain too much). But I will be stuck
with sf1 for quite a long time with existing projects. And as pointed
out above, I don't feel they have a lot together.

I've been thinking about this mailing-list issue a lot during the last few months and I'm still convinced that creating more mailing-lists is not the right solution. Anyway, as many people think the contrary, here is what I propose now:

We create two new mailing-lists: one for symfony1 and one for Symfony2. To be clear, this mailing-list (symfony-users) will die. That way, there is no "legacy" mailing-list, all symfony users will be treated the same way: they will have to do something about their subscription.

If everybody agree, I will start the migration and send invitations for all current subscribers.



Am 10.06.2011 07:24, schrieb Fabien Potencier:
On 6/9/11 10:17 PM, Chris Sedlmayr wrote:
Hi all,

I don't think we are against the idea of creating a Symfony2 specific
group, but we must ensure that finding help in the right place is the
main priority.

I'm against creating a Symfony2 specific group. If we were to create a
new group, then it would be a symfony-legacy group. Do we want to create
a ghetto?


Also, it's worth noting that there is significant time involved with
moderating this group alone, which I am not complaining about as it
means we have an incredibly active community of developers and users
which is fantastic!

I'll bring it up and we can go from there?

Chris Sedlmayr

On Jun 9, 8:16 am, Ricky<ricky.ya...@gmail.com>   wrote:

It's a good idea that there is symfony2 group seperately, as we
sometimes can find our solution or get help from others more clearly.

On Jun 9, 10:54 am, Anton Patrikeyev<anton.patrike...@gmail.com>


2011/5/18 mepk<mpriz...@gmail.com>



On 18 mayo, 05:05, Leo Jokinen<leo.joki...@snoobi.com>   wrote:
+1 since only interested of SF2


From: symfony-users@googlegroups.com [mailto:
symfony-users@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Marco Pivetta
Sent: 18. toukokuuta 2011 10:39
To: symfony-users@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: [symfony-users] Re: Any chance of creating a new Google
group for Symfony2 only?

+1 as I am COMPLETELY not interested in Symfony 1.X and joined
here to
just follow some of the issues coming of sf2 :)
Marco Pivetta

On 18 May 2011 09:21, Yanko Simeonoff<zech...@gmail.com<mailto:
zech...@gmail.com>>   wrote:

On 05/18/2011 10:12 AM, Zolzaya Erdenebaatar wrote:
+1On Wed, May 18, 2011 at 3:11 AM, Alan
alan....@gmail.com>>   wrote:


2011/5/18 realmfoo<konstantin.leb...@gmail.com<mailto:

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