Issue 1162: make sympy all tests pass in python2.6

Comment #1 by ondrej.certik:
All patches in, and mpmath is fixed. Now we have these failures:

  entrypoint: test_roots

     def test_roots():
         S = sympify

         a = Symbol("a")
         b = Symbol("b")
         c = Symbol("c")
         x = Symbol("x")
         assert roots(x**2-3*x+2) == [1, 2]
         assert roots(x**2-3*x/2+Rational(1,2)) == [Rational(1,2), 1]
         assert roots(2*x**2-3*x+1) == [Rational(1,2), 1]
         assert roots(x**2-1) == [1, -1]
         assert roots(x**2+1) == [I, -I]
         assert roots(x**3-1) == [1,
                                  Rational(-1,2) +  
                                  Rational(-1,2) -  
         assert roots(x**3) == [0, 0, 0]
         assert roots(x**3-x) == [-1, 0, 1]
         assert roots(Rational(2),x) == []
         assert roots(a*x**2 + b*x + c, var=[x]) == \
E               -b/(a*2)-(((b/a)**2-4*c/a)**Rational(1,2))/2]
>              AssertionError: (inconsistently failed then succeeded)


  entrypoint: test_solve_system

     def test_solve_system():
         x = Symbol("x")
         y = Symbol("y")
         z = Symbol("z")
         assert solve_system(x-1) == [(S.One,)]
         assert solve_system([2*x - 3, 3*y/2 - 2*x, z - 5*y]) \
                == [(Rational(3, 2), Integer(2), Integer(10))]
         assert solve_system([y - x, y - x - 1]) == []
         assert solve_system([y - x**2, y + x**2]) == [(S.Zero, S.Zero)]
         assert solve_system([y - x**2, y + x**2 + 1]) == \
                [(I*Rational(1,2)**Rational(1,2), Rational(-1,2)),
E               (-I*Rational(1,2)**Rational(1,2), Rational(-1,2))]
>              AssertionError: (inconsistently failed then succeeded)


  entrypoint: test_pretty_basic

     def test_pretty_basic():
         # Simple numbers/symbols
         assert pretty( -Rational(1)/2 ) == '-1/2'
         assert pretty( -Rational(13)/22 ) == '  13\n- --\n  22'
         assert pretty( oo ) == 'oo'

         # Powers
         assert pretty( (x**2) ) == ' 2\nx '
         assert pretty( 1/x ) == '1\n-\nx'
         assert pretty( y*x**-2 ) == 'y \n--\n 2\nx '
         assert pretty( x**Rational(-5,2) ) == ' 1  \n----\n 5/2\nx   '
         assert pretty( (-2)**x ) == '    x\n(-2) '

         # Sums of terms
         assert pretty( (x**2 + x + 1))  in [
                     '         2\n1 + x + x ',
                     '     2    \nx + x  + 1',
E                   ' 2        \nx  + x + 1']
>       assert ' 2        \nx  + 1 + x' in ['         2\n1 + x + x ', '      
2    \nx
+ x  + 1', ' 2        \nx  + x + 1']
          +  where ' 2        \nx  + 1 + x' = pretty((((x ** 2) + x) + 1))


  entrypoint: test_pretty_sqrt

     def test_pretty_sqrt():
         assert pretty( sqrt(2) ) == '  ___\n\\/ 2 '
         assert pretty( 2**Rational(1,3) ) == '3 ___\n\\/ 2 '
E       assert pretty( sqrt(x**2+1) ) == '   ________\n  /      2 \n\\/  1  
+ x  '
>       assert '   ________\n  /  2     \n\\/  x  + 1 ' == '   ________\n   
/      2
\n\\/  1 + x  '
          +  where '   ________\n  /  2     \n\\/  x  + 1 ' = pretty((x**2 +  
          +    where (x**2 + 1)**(1/2) = sqrt(((x ** 2) + 1))


  entrypoint: test_pretty_matrix

     def test_pretty_matrix():
         p = pretty( Matrix([[x**2+1, 1], [y, x+y]]) )
         s1 = \
     [     2       ]
     [1 + x     1  ]
     [             ]
     [  y     x + y]\
         s2 = \
     [ 2           ]
     [x  + 1    1  ]
     [             ]
     [  y     y + x]\
E       assert p in [s1, s2]
>       assert '[ 2           ]\n[x  + 1    1  ]\n[             ]\n[  y      
x + y]'
in ['[     2       ]\n[1 + x     1  ]\n[             ]\n[  y     x +  
y]', '[ 2
     ]\n[x  + 1    1  ]\n[             ]\n[  y     y + x]']


  entrypoint: test_upretty_integral

     def test_upretty_integral():
         u = upretty( Integral(sin(th)/cos(ph), (th,0,pi), (ph, 0, 2*pi)) )
         s = \
     2⋅π π             \n\
      ⌠  ⌠             \n\
      ⎮  ⎮ sin(θ)      \n\
      ⎮  ⎮ ────── dθ dφ\n\
      ⎮  ⎮ cos(φ)      \n\
      ⌡  ⌡             \n\
      0  0             \
         assert u == s

         u = upretty( Integral(x**2*sin(y), (x,0,1), (y,0,pi)) )
         s = \
     π 1                \n\
     ⌠ ⌠                \n\
     ⎮ ⎮  2             \n\
     ⎮ ⎮ x ⋅sin(y) dx dy\n\
     ⌡ ⌡                \n\
     0 0                \
E       assert u == s
>       assert u'\u03c0 1                \n\u2320 \u2320                 
\u23ae      ...u23ae sin(y)\u22c5x  dx dy\n\u2321 \u2321                \n0  
         ' == u'\u03c0 1                \n\u2320 \u2320                 
\n\u23ae \u23ae
  2   ...u23ae x \u22c5sin(y) dx dy\n\u2321 \u2321                \n0  
0                '


  entrypoint: test_upretty_matrix

     def test_upretty_matrix():
         u = upretty( Matrix([[x**2+1, 1], [y, x+y]]) )
         s1 = \
     ⎡     2       ⎤
     ⎢1 + x     1  ⎥
     ⎢             ⎥
     ⎣  y     x + y⎦\
         s2 = \
     ⎡ 2           ⎤
     ⎢x  + 1    1  ⎥
     ⎢             ⎥
     ⎣  y     y + x⎦\
E       assert u in [s1, s2]
>       assert u'\u23a1 2           \u23a4\n\u23a2x  + 1    1   
      \u23a5\n\u23a3  y     x + y\u23a6' in [u'\u23a1     2        
\u23a4\n\u23a21 + x
     1  \u23a5\n\u23a2             \u23a5\n\u23a3  y     x + y\u23a6',  
u'\u23a1 2
       \u23a4\n\u23a2x  + 1    1  \u23a5\n\u23a2             \u23a5\n\u23a3   
y     y +


  entrypoint: test_upretty_matrix2

     def test_upretty_matrix2():
         m = Matrix([[x/y, y, th], [0, exp(I*k*ph), 1]])
         u = upretty(m)
         s = \
     ⎡x           ⎤
     ⎢─    y     θ⎥
     ⎢y           ⎥
     ⎢            ⎥
     ⎢    ⅈ⋅k⋅φ   ⎥
     ⎣0  ℯ       1⎦\
E       assert u == s
>       assert u'\u23a1x           \u23a4\n\u23a2\u2500    y
\u03b8\u23a5\n\u23a2y       ...5\n\u23a2    k\u22c5\u03c6\u22c5\u2148
\u23a5\n\u23a30  \u212f       1\u23a6' == u'\u23a1x            
  y     \u03b8\u23a5\n\u23a2y       ...5\n\u23a2    \u2148\u22c5k\u22c5\u03c6
\u23a5\n\u23a30  \u212f       1\u23a6'


  entrypoint: test_upretty_seq

     def test_upretty_seq():
         assert upretty([]) == '[]'
         assert upretty(()) == '()'
         assert upretty({}) == '{}'
         assert upretty(set()) == 'set()'
         assert upretty(frozenset()) == 'frozenset()'

         e = [x**2, 1/x, x, y, sin(th)**2/cos(ph)**2]
         u = upretty(e)
         s = \
     ⎡                2   ⎤
     ⎢ 2  1        sin (θ)⎥
     ⎢x , ─, x, y, ───────⎥
     ⎢    x           2   ⎥
     ⎣             cos (φ)⎦\
         assert u == s

         assert upretty((x,)) == '(x,)'

         p = upretty((1/x,))
         s = \
     ⎛1 ⎞
     ⎠x ⎠\
         assert p == s

         e = tuple(e)
         u = upretty(e)
         s = \
     ⎛                2   ⎞
     ⎜ 2  1        sin (θ)⎟
     ⎜x , ─, x, y, ───────⎟
     ⎜    x           2   ⎟
     ⎠             cos (φ)⎠\
         assert u == s

         e_= dict(enumerate(e))
         u = upretty(e_)
         s = \
     ⎧                               2   ⎫
     ⎪   1      2                 sin (θ)⎪
     ⎨1: ─, 0: x , 2: x, 3: y, 4: ───────⎬
     ⎪   x                           2   ⎪
     ⎩                            cos (φ)⎭\
E       assert u == s
>       assert u'\u23a7                        2          \u23ab\n\u23aa   1
         ...       2          \u23aa\n\u23a9                     cos (\u03c6)
\u23ad' == u'\u23a7                               2   \u23ab\n\u23aa    
1      2
     ...              2   \u23aa\n\u23a9                            cos  


  entrypoint: test_Pow

     def test_Pow():
         assert ccode(x**3) == "pow(x,3)"
         assert ccode(x**(y**3)) == "pow(x,(pow(y,3)))"
         assert ccode(1/(g(x)*3.5)**(x - y**x)/(x**2 + y)) == \
E           "1/(y + pow(x,2))*pow((3.50000000000000*g(x)),(-x + pow(y,x)))"
>           AssertionError: (inconsistently failed then succeeded)


  entrypoint: test_latex_basic

     def test_latex_basic():
         assert latex(1+x) == "$1 + x$"
         assert latex(x**2) == "${x}^{2}$"
         assert latex(x**(1+x)) == "${x}^{1 + x}$"
E       assert latex(x**3+x+1+x**2) == "$1 + x + {x}^{2} + {x}^{3}$"
>       assert '${x}^{2} + {x}^{3} + 1 + x$' == '$1 + x + {x}^{2} +  
          +  where '${x}^{2} + {x}^{3} + 1 + x$' = latex(((((x ** 3) + x) +  
1) + (x **


  entrypoint: test_latex_functions

     def test_latex_functions():
         assert latex(exp(x)) == "${e}^{x}$"
E       assert latex(exp(1)+exp(2)) == "$e + {e}^{2}$"
>       assert '${e}^{2} + e$' == '$e + {e}^{2}$'
          +  where '${e}^{2} + e$' = latex((E + exp(2)))
          +    where E = exp(1)
          +    and   exp(2) = exp(2)


  entrypoint: test_latex_derivatives

     def test_latex_derivatives():
         assert latex(diff(x**3, x, evaluate=False)) == \
         r"$\frac{\partial}{\partial x} {x}^{3}$"
         assert latex(diff(sin(x)+x**2, x, evaluate=False)) == \
E       r"$\frac{\partial}{\partial  
x}\left(\operatorname{sin}\left(x\right) +
>       AssertionError: (inconsistently failed then succeeded)


  entrypoint: test_latex_dict

     def test_latex_dict():
         d = {Rational(1): 1, x**2: 2, x: 3, x**3: 4}
E       assert latex(d) == '$\\begin{Bmatrix}1 : 1, & x : 3, & {x}^{2} : 2,  
& {x}^{3}
: 4\\end{Bmatrix}$'
>       assert '$\\begin{Bmatrix}{x}^{2} : 2, & {x}^{3} : 4, & 1 : 1, & x :
3\\end{Bmatrix}$' == '$\\begin{Bmatrix}1 : 1, & x : 3, & {x}^{2} : 2, &  
{x}^{3} :
          +  where '$\\begin{Bmatrix}{x}^{2} : 2, & {x}^{3} : 4, & 1 : 1, &  
x :
3\\end{Bmatrix}$' = latex({x: 3, x**2: 2, x**3: 4, 1: 1})


  entrypoint: test_python_basic

     def test_python_basic():
         # Simple numbers/symbols
         assert python(-Rational(1)/2) == "e = Rational(-1, 2)"
         assert python(-Rational(13)/22) == "e = Rational(-13, 22)"
         assert python(oo) == "e = oo"

         # Powers
         assert python((x**2)) == "x = Symbol(\'x\')\ne = x**2"
         assert python(1/x) == "x = Symbol('x')\ne = 1/x"
         assert python(y*x**-2) == "y = Symbol('y')\nx = Symbol('x')\ne =  
         assert python(x**Rational(-5, 2)) == "x = Symbol('x')\ne =  
x**(Rational(-5, 2))"

         # Sums of terms
         assert python((x**2 + x + 1)) in [
                 "x = Symbol('x')\ne = 1 + x + x**2",
                 "x = Symbol('x')\ne = x + x**2 + 1",
E               "x = Symbol('x')\ne = x**2 + x + 1",]
>       assert "x = Symbol('x')\ne = x**2 + 1 + x" in ["x = Symbol('x')\ne  
= 1 + x +
x**2", "x = Symbol('x')\ne = x + x**2 + 1", "x = Symbol('x')\ne = x**2 + x  
+ 1"]
          +  where "x = Symbol('x')\ne = x**2 + 1 + x" = python((((x ** 2) +  
x) + 1))


  entrypoint: test_python_functions

     def test_python_functions():
         # Simple
E       assert python((2*x + exp(x))) in "x = Symbol('x')\ne = 2*x + exp(x)"
>       assert "x = Symbol('x')\ne = exp(x) + 2*x" in "x = Symbol('x')\ne =  
2*x + exp(x)"
          +  where "x = Symbol('x')\ne = exp(x) + 2*x" = python(((2 * x) +  
          +    where exp(x) = exp(x)


  entrypoint: test_Add

     def test_Add():
         assert str(x+y) == "x + y"
         assert str(x+1) == "1 + x"
E       assert str(x+x**2) == "x + x**2"
>       assert 'x**2 + x' == 'x + x**2'
          +  where 'x**2 + x' = str((x + (x ** 2)))


  entrypoint: test_Poly

     def test_Poly():
         assert str(Poly(0, x)) == "Poly(0, x)"
         assert str(Poly(1, x)) == "Poly(1, x)"
         assert str(Poly(x, x)) == "Poly(x, x)"
         assert str(Poly(2*x + 1, x)) == "Poly(2*x + 1, x)"
         assert str(Poly(2*x - 1, x)) == "Poly(2*x - 1, x)"
         assert str(Poly(-1, x)) == "Poly(-1, x)"
         assert str(Poly(-x, x)) == "Poly(-x, x)"
         assert str(Poly(-2*x + 1, x)) == "Poly(-2*x + 1, x)"
         assert str(Poly(-2*x - 1, x)) == "Poly(-2*x - 1, x)"
         assert str(Poly(x - 1, x, order='lex')) == "Poly(x - 1, x)"
         assert str(Poly(x**2 + 1 + y, x)) == "Poly(x**2 + 1 + y, x)"
E       assert str(Poly(x**2 - 1 + y, x)) == "Poly(x**2 - 1 + y, x)"
>       assert 'Poly(x**2 + y - 1, x)' == 'Poly(x**2 - 1 + y, x)'
          +  where 'Poly(x**2 + y - 1, x)' = str(Poly(x**2 + y - 1, x))
          +    where Poly(x**2 + y - 1, x) = Poly((((x ** 2) - 1) + y), x)


  entrypoint: test_set

     def test_set():
         assert spr(set())       == 'set()'
         assert spr(frozenset()) == 'frozenset()'

         assert spr(set([1,2,3]))== 'set([1, 2, 3])'
E       assert spr(set([1,x,x**2,x**3,x**4]))   == 'set([1, x, x**2, x**3,  
>       assert 'set([x**2, x**3, x**4, 1, x])' == 'set([1, x, x**2, x**3,  
          +  where 'set([x**2, x**3, x**4, 1, x])' = spr(set([x, x**2, x**3,  
x**4, 1]))
          +    where set([x, x**2, x**3, x**4, 1]) = set([1, x, x**2, x**3,  


  entrypoint: test_wild_str

     def test_wild_str():
         # Check expressions containing Wild not causing infinite recursion
         w = Wild('x')
         assert str(w + 1)           == '1 + x_'
E       assert str(exp(2**w) + 5)   == '5 + exp(2**x_)'
>       assert 'exp(2**x_) + 5' == '5 + exp(2**x_)'
          +  where 'exp(2**x_) + 5' = str((exp(2**x_) + 5))
          +    where exp(2**x_) = exp((2 ** x_))


  entrypoint: test_bug4

     def test_bug4():
         e = -2*sqrt(x)-y/sqrt(x)/2
         assert str(e) not in ["(-2)*x**1/2(-1/2)*x**(-1/2)*y",
         assert str(e) in ["-2*x**(1/2) - 1/2*x**(-1/2)*y", "-2*x**(1/2) -
                           "-1/2*x**(-1/2)*y -  
2*x**(1/2)", "-1/2*y*x**(-1/2) -
E                         "-2*x**(1/2) - y/(2*x**(1/2))"]
>       assert '-y/(2*x**(1/2)) - 2*x**(1/2)' in ['-2*x**(1/2) -  
'-2*x**(1/2) - 1/2*y*x**(-1/2)', '-1/2*x**(-1/2)*y -  
2*x**(1/2)', '-1/2*y*x**(-1/2) -
2*x**(1/2)', '-2*x**(1/2) - y/(2*x**(1/2))']
          +  where '-y/(2*x**(1/2)) - 2*x**(1/2)' = str(-y/(2*x**(1/2)) -  


  entrypoint: test_solve_poly_system

     def test_solve_poly_system():
         assert solve_poly_system([x-1], x) == [(S.One,)]

         assert solve_poly_system([y - x, y - x - 1], x, y) == None

         assert solve_poly_system([y - x**2, y + x**2], x, y) == [(S.Zero,  

         assert solve_poly_system([2*x - 3, 3*y/2 - 2*x, z - 5*y], x, y, z)  
== \
             [(Rational(3, 2), Integer(2), Integer(10))]

         assert solve_poly_system([x*y - 2*y, 2*y**2 - x**2], x, y) == \
            [(0, 0), (2, -2**S.Half), (2, 2**S.Half)]

         assert solve_poly_system([y - x**2, y + x**2 + 1], x, y) == \
E              [(I*S.Half**S.Half, -S.Half), (-I*S.Half**S.Half, -S.Half)]
>              AssertionError: (inconsistently failed then succeeded)


  *** XPASS ***
XPASS: test_plotting

XPASS: test_trim_xfail

  tests finished: 1183 passed, 2 xpass, 34 xfail, 22 failed, 4 skipped in  
73.25 seconds

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        Labels: -NeedsReview

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