Comment #95 on issue 1694 by sophie.duriez: solve has many issues with fractions

@Vinzent (91):
"Maybe we should add a "strategy" kwarg, like in dsolve()."

We may do that for .as_numer_denom().

- Strategy 1 (the current one):
n, d = f.as_numer_denom()
sols = solve(n, ...)
for sol in sols:
    if checksol(d, symbol, sol):

- Strategy 2:
n, d = f.as_numer_denom()
sols = solve(f, ...) # keep f for solving
for sol in sols:
    if checksol(d, symbol, sol): # d is still used to remove singularities

"However, "If you want the best result, you set "strategy='best'", and solve() tries all approaches and gives you the best."

How could sympy decide that

-log(4) + log(2*y + 2*sqrt(-4 + y**2))

is better than

log(-16 + 8*y*(-4 + y**2)**(1/2) + 8*y**2)/2 - log(16)/2 ?

Maybe we could count recursively the number of operations involved in each one... ?

"If you mean "do I have a change that doesn't fail for those?" then yes, in branch 'rev2', commit 'nic solver mods' the result in 32-bit is 'log(-1 + y*(-4 + y**2)**(1/2)/2 + y**2/2)/2' but when I tried to fix other things then I get 'nan'."

I'm not sure I understand this. Your changes fix this issues, but other appear, did I understood ?

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