Status: Accepted
Owner: asmeurer
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium Integration WrongResult

New issue 1987 by asmeurer: Integral(f(x), (x, g(x), h(x))).diff(x) incorrectly returns 0

In [1]: i = Integral(f(x), (x, g(x),  h(x)))

In [2]: i.diff(x)
Out[2]: 0

In [3]: i = Integral(f(y), (y, g(x),  h(x)))

In [4]: i.diff(x)
d                  d
──(h(x))⋅f(h(x)) - ──(g(x))⋅f(g(x))
dx                 dx

The first should be the same as the second, since the integration variable is completely independent of the final result and shouldn't affect diff. I'm not surprised that this happens, though, since it is generally considered bad practice to use the same variable in the limits and as the integration variable.

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