        Labels: NeedsReview

Comment #6 on issue 1568 by mattpap: factoring is working too hard

More symbolic capabilities were added to factor() in polys11 branch, e.g.:

In [1]: var('a')
Out[1]: a

In [2]: df=-(1 - x)**2*(4 + x)/((2 + x)*(a + x)**2) - (1 - x)**2*(4 + x)/((2 + x)**2*(a + x)) - (2 - 2*x)*(4 + x)/((2 + x)*(a + x)) + (1 - x)**2/((2 + x)*(a + x))

In [3]: df
         2                  2                                          2
  (1 - x) ⋅(4 + x)   (1 - x) ⋅(4 + x)   (2 - 2⋅x)⋅(4 + x)       (1 - x)
- ──────────────── - ──────────────── - ───────────────── + ───────────────
                 2          2            (2 + x)⋅(a + x)    (2 + x)⋅(a + x)
  (2 + x)⋅(a + x)    (2 + x) ⋅(a + x)

In [4]: factor(_)
         ⎛                              2        2    3⎞
-(1 - x)⋅⎝8 + 16⋅x + 18⋅a + 10⋅a⋅x + 5⋅x  + 2⋅a⋅x  + x ⎠
                          2        2
                   (2 + x) ⋅(a + x)

Also the original problem is now solved:

In [10]: eq=(1 - x)**2*(4 + x)/(((2 + x)*(a + x)))

In [11]: eq
(1 - x) ⋅(4 + x)
(2 + x)⋅(a + x)

In [12]: d = eq.diff(x, 3)

In [13]: %time factor(d)
CPU times: user 0.44 s, sys: 0.00 s, total: 0.44 s
Wall time: 0.50 s
⎛ 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 3 -6⋅⎝32 + 64⋅x + 72⋅a + 144⋅a⋅x + 48⋅x + 52⋅a + 24⋅a ⋅x + 104⋅x⋅a + 108⋅a⋅x + 16⋅x + 18⋅a + 8⋅a ⋅x - 7⋅x
                                                           4        4
                                                    (2 + x) ⋅(a + x)

4    2  4⎞
  + a ⋅x ⎠

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