Comment #5 on issue 2010 by asmeurer: Integration with the full Risch Algorithm

Actually, .mul_ground() didn't work where I was going to use it:

In [1]: Poly(x*t, t).mul_ground(1/x)
PolynomialError: 1/x contains an element of the generators set

Which is because Poly(x*t, t) creates the domain ZZ[x]. By the time I go through and make sure things have field domains everywhere, it's faster to just do

b = Poly(b.as_basic()/a.as_basic(), t)

instead of

b = b.mul_ground(1/a)

I'm starting to think that most of the methods of Poly should allow a field kwarg, so that

Poly(x*t, t).mul_ground(1/x, field=True)

would work. That would make things much easier than trying to find where the Poly was originally created and putting in the field=True there, and hoping that it remains by the time it gets to whatever line of code failed.

But other than that, stuff is working much better already.

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