Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium

New issue 2045 by michelelacchia: djtheta test fail

python '/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/mpmath/tests/' -psyco
    add                       ok        0.0035269 s
    add_misc                  ok        0.0024092 s
    arithmetic_functions      ok        0.0267110 s
    complex_misc              ok        0.0022469 s
    complex_zeros             ok        0.0017729 s
    div                       ok        0.0021071 s
    hash                      ok        0.0105081 s
    mixed_misc                ok        0.0013001 s
    mul                       ok        0.0018520 s
    pow                       ok        0.0025761 s
    sub                       ok        0.0015008 s
    type_compare              ok        0.0011640 s
    add_exact                 ok        0.0018640 s
    bitcount                  ok        0.0001531 s
    perturb                   ok        0.0024600 s
    round_ceiling             ok        0.0002441 s
    round_down                ok        0.0002329 s
    round_floor               ok        0.0002251 s
    round_nearest             ok        0.0004640 s
    round_up                  ok        0.0002398 s
    rounding_bugs             ok        0.0004950 s
    trailing                  ok        0.0002298 s
    approximation             ok        0.0245872 s
    differint                 ok        0.0589359 s
    fourier                   ok        0.0785322 s
    limits                    ok        0.0688651 s
    pade                      ok        0.0121810 s
    polyroots                 ok        0.0058630 s
    polyval                   ok        0.0007160 s
    bugs                      ok        0.0001440 s
    double_compatibility      ok        1.2516780 s
    sqrt                      ok        0.4927881 s
    basic_string              ok        0.0141361 s
    conversion_methods        ok        0.0193541 s
    convert_rational          ok        0.0002511 s
    custom_class              ok        0.0010030 s
    eval_repr_invariant       ok        0.7837031 s
    mpmathify                 ok        0.0014372 s
    pretty                    ok        0.0013888 s
    str_bugs                  ok        0.0022011 s
    str_format                ok        0.0018671 s
    str_prec0                 ok        0.0012181 s
    str_whitespace            ok        0.0001540 s
    tight_string_conversion   ok        0.0004959 s
    unicode                   ok        0.0002999 s
    diff                      ok        0.0986359 s
    taylor                    ok        0.0010500 s
    div_1_3                   ok        0.0008180 s
    div_300                   ok        0.0008001 s
    div_negative_rnd_bug      ok        0.0003390 s
    epsilon_rounding          ok        0.0012422 s
    mod                       ok        0.0051432 s
    mpf_divi_1_3              ok        0.0015481 s
    tight_integer_division    ok        0.0073240 s
    calculate_nome            ok        0.0051491 s
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/mpmath/tests/", line 142, in <module>
    testit(importdir, testdir)
File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/mpmath/tests/", line 118, in testit
File "/usr/share/pyshared/mpmath/tests/", line 289, in test_djtheta
    result = djtheta(1, z, q)
File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/mpmath/", line 1226, in djtheta
    if abs(z.imag) < cz * abs(log(q).real):
  File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/mpmath/", line 445, in log
    return ln(x)
  File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/mpmath/", line 2107, in f
    return ctx.make_mpc(mpc_f(x._mpc_, prec, rounding))
  File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/mpmath/", line 425, in mpc_log
    im = mpc_arg(z, prec, rnd)
  File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/mpmath/", line 117, in mpc_arg
    return mpf_atan2(b, a, prec, rnd)
File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/mpmath/", line 1510, in mpf_atan2
    tquo = mpf_atan(mpf_div(y, x, prec+4), prec+4)
File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/mpmath/", line 1471, in mpf_atan
    a = atan_taylor(t, wp)
File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/mpmath/", line 1423, in atan_taylor
    a, atan_a = atan_taylor_get_cached(n, prec)
File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/mpmath/", line 1417, in atan_taylor_get_cached
    atan_a = atan_newton(a, prec2)
File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/mpmath/", line 1383, in atan_newton
    r = math.atan((x>>(prec-53))/2.0**53)
TypeError: bad argument type for built-in operation

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