Comment #5 on issue 1280 by mattpap: integrate(1/((a-x)*(b-x)), x) is giving too complex results (probably correct)

I fixed this in polys12. The problem was with initial preprocessing of the input fraction in apart() (deg(p) < deg(q) after preprocessing didn't hold).

In [1]: var('a,b,c')
Out[1]: (a, b, c)

In [2]: f = (-2*a*b*x - b**2 - a**2*x**2 + a*c**2*x**2 + 2*b*x*c**2 + 4*b*c*x**2 + 2*b*x**3 + 2*a*c*x**3 + a*x**4)/(b**2*c**2 + b**2*x**2 + a**2*c**2*x**2 + 2*c*x*b**2 + 2*a*b*x*c**2 + 4*a*b*c*x**2 + 2*a*b*x**3 + 2*c*a**2*x**3 + a**2*x**4)

In [3]: apart(f, x)
1      1            b
─ - ──────── - ────────────
a          2              2
    (c + x)    a⋅(b + a⋅x)

In [4]: factor(_) == factor(f)
Out[4]: True

In [5]: apart(f, x, full=True)
    2      2      ⎛   2    3⎞       2      2        ⎛   2    3⎞
 b⋅a  - c⋅b     c⋅⎝- b  + a ⎠    b⋅a  - c⋅b       b⋅⎝- b  + a ⎠
───────────── - ─────────────   ───────────── - ─────────────────
     2      3        2      3        2      3     ⎛     2      3⎞
- b⋅a  + c⋅a    - b⋅a  + c⋅a    - b⋅a  + c⋅a    a⋅⎝- b⋅a  + c⋅a ⎠   1
───────────────────────────── + ───────────────────────────────── + ─
                  2                                 2               a
           (c + x)                           ⎛    b⎞
                                             ⎜x + ─⎟
                                             ⎝    a⎠

In [6]: factor(_) == factor(f)
Out[6]: True

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