Comment #4 on issue 564 by series expansion of acosh and acoth

acosh(x) = (1/2)*pi*I - I*x - (1/6)*I*x**3 - (3/40)*I*x**5 + O(x**6) (SYMPY) acosh(x) = -(1/2)*pi*I + I*x + (1/6)*I*x**3 + (3/40)*I*x**5 + O(x**6) (SAGE)

interestingly, both evaluate acosh(0) to (1/2)*pi*I.

The problem here is that cosh(x) is one to many. For real valued x, cosh(x) is symmetric about the y axis (one to two) and kind of looks like f(x) = x**2. In this case it's pretty natural to take the principal value of acosh(x) to be the positive number. In the complex plane while cosh(z) = cosh(-z) it is also the case that cosh(z) = cosh(z + I*2k*pi).

The standard definition for acosh(x) seems to be log(x + Sqrt(x**2 - 1)) which is multiple valued in the complex plane in exactly the way we expect. The standard solution is to put a "branch cut" in the plane along (-oo, 0] making the domain simply connected. This is how Stein and Shakarchi handle it (Princeton Lectures in Analysis II, 2003). I've evaluated the derivatives by hand and they come out in agreement with Sympy for the principal values of log(z).

The situation is similar for acoth(x).

I'll add a note to the documentation and submit a patch.

Note: I'm not sure where the expansions Sympy uses came from but if they were borrowed from mathworld, they adopt the conventions that Mathematica uses for branch cuts. I think these are just branch cuts that correspond to (-oo, 0] (the principal branch) for log(z) since each inverse hyperbolic function has some logarithm of some F(z).

function name                           branch cut(s)
inverse hyperbolic cosecant             (-I, I)
inverse hyperbolic cosine               (-oo, 1)
inverse hyperbolic cotangent            [-1, 1]
inverse hyperbolic secant               (-oo, 0] and (1, oo)
inverse hyperbolic sine                 (-I* oo, -I) and (I, I* oo)
inverse hyperbolic tangent              (-oo, 1] and [1, oo)


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