Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium

New issue 2414 by [Feature request] Deferred expressions

I'm concerned about improving the performance of differentiation and subsequent code generation. It would be handy to mark certain intermediate expressions such that they would not be expanded directly in symbolic manipulation. Here is a simple example of the idea.

from sympy import *
def grad(f,x):
    return Matrix([f]).jacobian(Matrix([x]))
def div(q,X):
    return sum(diff(*t) for t in zip(q,X))
x,y = symbols('x y')
X = Matrix([x,y])
u = sin(x+y)*cos(x*y**3)
du = grad(u,X)
def q(u,du):
    return (u**2 +*du # This might be quite complicated
f = div(q(u,du),X)
print len(ccode(f)) # 2066

# Use intermediate symbols
U = Symbol('U')
dU = Matrix(symbols('Ux Uy')).reshape(1,2)
ddU = Matrix(symbols('Uxx Uxy Uyx Uyy')).reshape(2,2)
Q = q(U,dU)
f2 = (grad(Q[0],U) * dU[0] + grad(Q[0],dU) * ddU[:,0] +
      grad(Q[1],U) * dU[1] + grad(Q[1],dU) * ddU[:,1])[0]
print sum(map(len,map(ccode,[u] + list(du) + list(grad(du,X)) + [f2]))) # 982

# Proposed alternative
f3 = div(deferred(u),deferred(du))
ccode(f3) # Would produce code similar to f2

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