Status: Accepted
Owner: asmeurer
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium

New issue 2418 by asmeurer: Interval.evalf() returns a mpmath interval

This was originally my idea, but I see now that it was probably a bad one. We have:

In [1]: Interval(S(1)/2, S(2)/3, True, False)
Out[1]: (1/2, 2/3]

In [2]: Interval(S(1)/2, S(2)/3, True, False).evalf()
Out[2]: [0.5, 0.66666666666666662966]

In [3]: type(Interval(S(1)/2, S(2)/3, True, False).evalf())
Out[3]: <class 'sympy.mpmath.ctx_iv.ivmpf'>

There should be a method to Interval to get a mpmath interval, but evalf() should not be it. .evalf() should return a sympy type. In this case, it should just evalf the arguments. Also, notice how we lost the information about the open left end.

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