Comment #14 on issue 2388 by asmeurer: The value of str(expr) depends on a global setting

Well, the Python guys don't consider it to be a "bug" per se, but I definitely do.

If we make __repr__ == srepr, then [10] below would give the same things as [9]:

In [9]: srepr([x**2 + x + 1, exp(sin(1/x + 2))])
Out[9]: [Add(Integer(1), Symbol('x'), Pow(Symbol('x'), Integer(2))), Function('exp')(Function('sin')(Add(Integer(2), Pow(Symbol('x'), Integer(-1)))))]

In [10]: print ([x**2 + x + 1, exp(sin(1/x + 2))])
[x**2 + x + 1, exp(sin(2 + 1/x))]

Based on that python-dev thread, this has probably been discussed before, either here on the issue tracker or on the mailing list. We should try to find that.

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