Comment #1 on issue 2472 by Regression in sympy/polys/tests/

I tested all supported Python versions on 32/64-bit and got no test failures. Can you run the following code:

In [1]: var('r')
Out[1]: r

In [2]: f = x**3 + x + 3

In [3]: g = Lambda(r, log(r*x))

In [4]: for i in xrange(1000):
   ...:     a = RootSum((x - 7)*f**3, g)
   ...:     b = log(7*x) + 3*RootSum(f, g)
   ...:     if a != b:
   ...:         break

In [5]: i
Out[5]: 999

You can choose a larger value than 1000 if needed (if it the loop ends before n-1, then there is a problem). You can also replace RootOf on line "a = ..." with contents of line "b = ..." (yes, the same expression twice, because before your patch I got random failures in both cases).

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