        Cc: lazov...@gmail.com

Comment #3 on issue 2610 by vlada.pe...@gmail.com: Wavefunction documentation errors under Python 3

Humm, I think I know what is going on here. For some reason, Python 2 could print a float as an int in doctests (eg. 2.0 is 2 and so on). Python 3 no longer does this, instead printing the float always. I noticed this in a combinatorics doctest (which I've since fixed). Now, I feel this is happening somewhere silently and persistently, because:

In [201]: type(p(0.5))
Out[201]: <class 'sympy.core.numbers.Integer'>
[Python 2, running the commands like in the doctest]


<class 'sympy.core.numbers.Float'>
[Python 3]

Where? Why? What? I've no idea. Tomo, you are the author of this code, maybe you've got a better idea where this could be happening? It's possible that ambiguous division is being used on integers when floor division (//) is wanted - that's what caused some of the other errors like this which I fixed).

So, at least I don't think this is a problem of our doctester. Of course, I could be completely wrong with all this.

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