Comment #4 on issue 2745 by should cancel expand exp?

These functions are mostly targeted toward square roots, which are basically roots of quadratics (or quartics). When the minimal polynomial gets bigger, things become more complicated. For example:

In [229]: a = (2 + 3**(S(1)/3))

In [230]: solve(minpoly((2 + 3**(S(1)/3)), x))[2]
         ⎛        ___  ⎞
  3 ____ ⎜  1   ╲╱ 3 ⋅ⅈ⎟
- ╲╱ -3 ⋅⎜- ─ + ───────⎟ + 2
         ⎝  2      2   ⎠

In [231]: a.evalf()
Out[231]: 3.44224957030741

In [232]: solve(minpoly((2 + 3**(S(1)/3)), x))[2].evalf(chop=True)
Out[232]: 3.44224957030741

In [233]: simplify(a - solve(minpoly((2 + 3**(S(1)/3)), x))[2])
       ⎛        ___  ⎞
3 ____ ⎜  1   ╲╱ 3 ⋅ⅈ⎟   3 ___
╲╱ -3 ⋅⎜- ─ + ───────⎟ + ╲╱ 3
       ⎝  2      2   ⎠

Notice the potential to simplify things here using algebraic algorithms, which use the minimal polynomials.

In [235]: minpoly(solve(minpoly((2 + 3**(S(1)/3)), x))[2])
 3      2
x  - 6⋅x  + 12⋅x - 11

In [236]: minpoly(a)
 3      2
x  - 6⋅x  + 12⋅x - 11

In [237]: minpoly(solve(minpoly((2 + 3**(S(1)/3)), x))[2] - a)
Out[237]: x

The last result means that the algebraic number is 0 (since the only root of the polynomial x is 0). In general, we can use a routine that uses minpoly(), solve, and I think the root isolation algorithm (to make sure we have the same root) to simplify numerical radical expressions.

And the situation becomes much more complex when the radicals are symbolic. For that, we don't even have the minimal polynomial algorithm implemented (though I think Mateusz told me that it's easy to extend the numerical one to do it).

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