Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium

New issue 2807 by Change .unit and .mag to proper methods and better names.


.unit and .mag properties of the Vector class are a bit confusing. Some people might think it refers to the units (i.e., m/s, or rad/s, etc.). Also, by decorating them with @property, it gives the appearance these quantities are precomputed: v.mag gives the impression that mag is data member of v, whereas v.mag() gives the impression that you are calculating something about v. With them as properties, I could see somebody wanting to do something like:

v.unit = ....

which wouldn't work, but from a new user point of view might seem the
intuitive way to go.

I think it might be easier to learn sympy.mechanics if these were
regular instance methods, renamed to .magnitude(self) and

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