Status: Accepted
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium CodeInCategory-Code Live CodeInDifficulty-Medium CodeInMultiple

New issue 2872 by Issues with the SymPy Live mobile interface

Here are the comments from

- Is it possible to make the box that has >>> and the entry box more streamlined? There is a visible break there. It's no big deal if it can't be done, but it would make it look a little better if it can.

- The buttons on the right are a little taller than the text box, which is a little off.

- The buttons on the bottom should be bigger, both in height and width (there is wasted whitespace to the right of them, and it's too hard to press them with a finger).

- The green text is a little hard to read. It would be better to make the background green and the text white (like the "comment" button here on GitHub.

- It's possible to zoom out for some reason on the retina display (i.e., I can do it in my iPhone 4, but not my 1st Gen iPod touch).

- On my 1st gen iPod touch (running iOS 3), enter always creates a newline, even if the setting is set to submit.

- Apparently it doesn't render so well in Opera Mini.

- There may be issues with the mobile device detection on tablets.

See also issue 2661.

Should we make multiple code-in tasks out of this, or just one?

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