        Owner: someb...@bluewin.ch
        Labels: Statistics

Comment #2 on issue 3104 by mrock...@gmail.com: Expectation value of random variables raises maximum recursion depth exceeded

This problem can be solved in a couple of ways.

One is what you point out - we can recognize and simplify complex expressions into equivalent simple ones over different probability spaces.

The other is to improve the way we write down integrals. Right now I think this computation introduces a DiracDelta(sqrt(X**2+Y**2+Z**2) - dummy) into the integral and then asks deltaintegrate to take care of it. deltaintegrate fails on this sort of thing. We can improve this either by improving deltaintegrate or by no longer depending on it and writing our own solution to this sort of thing. Nathan was talking about this earlier and I had given it some though during the initial development.

Ideally both solutions would be in place. I suspect you're more interested in the first while I'm more interested in the second.

Do you have an idea about how the first can be implemented in a general way? Some sort of table lookup? Does anyone who knows more about SymPy have wisdom on this topic?

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