Comment #15 on issue 3025 by Piecewise evaluate=False does not work when conditions are boolean

I disagree with that. For example, the bizarre output in comment 8 (two otherwise conditions) is a direct result of the way it's done now (granted, it's likely due to an oversight as I noted, but if it were done the way as it's done in Sean's branch, that would never have happened).

To me, (otherwise, True) is confusing. In a piecewise, (expr, cond) should mean return expr when cond is True. But the way it's done now turns directly contradicts that.

With the new way, we can assert this: that if a condition is True, that's what is returned. I don't see what's puzzling about that.

By the way, if we're going to argue about the new syntax, perhaps it should be over at issue 2626, where I've already made many arguments about it (and several people agreed).

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