Status: Accepted
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium Series

New issue 3135 by Multiple series expansions

Multiple series expansions in a row wrt different variables do not work. Let me show a simple example:

In [10]: exp(x+y)
Out[10]: exp(x + y)

In [11]: x = Symbol("x")
In [12]: y = Symbol("y")

In [13]: f = exp(x+y)

In [14]: s1 = series(f, x=x)

In [15]: s1
Out[15]: exp(y) + x*exp(y) + x**2*exp(y)/2 + x**3*exp(y)/6 + x**4*exp(y)/24 + x**5*exp(y)/120 + O(x**6)

In [16]: s2 = series(s1, x=y)
NotImplementedError                       Traceback (most recent call last)
/home/raoul/<ipython-input-16-0609ac8eae19> in <module>()
----> 1 s2 = series(s1, x=y)

/home/raoul/python/sympy/series/series.pyc in series(expr, x, x0, n, dir)
      6     """
      7     expr = sympify(expr)
----> 8     return expr.series(x, x0, n, dir)

/home/raoul/python/sympy/core/expr.pyc in series(self, x, x0, n, dir)
   2201             if o:
   2202                 # make sure the requested order is returned

-> 2203                 ngot = o.getn()
   2204                 if ngot > n:
2205 # leave o in its current form (e.g. with x*log(x)) so

/home/raoul/python/sympy/core/expr.pyc in getn(self)
    771                                 return abs(oi.exp)
--> 773         raise NotImplementedError('not sure of order of %s' % o)
    775     def count_ops(self, visual=None):

NotImplementedError: not sure of order of O(y**6) + O(x**6)

Only after manual removal of the O I can proceed:

In [17]: t = s1.removeO()

In [18]: t
Out[18]: x**5*exp(y)/120 + x**4*exp(y)/24 + x**3*exp(y)/6 + x**2*exp(y)/2 + x*exp(y) + exp(y)

In [19]: series(t, x=y)
Out[19]: 1 + y*(x**5/120 + x**4/24 + x**3/6 + x**2/2 + x + 1) + y**2*(x**5/240 + x**4/48 + x**3/12 + x**2/4 + x/2 + 1/2) + y**3*(x**5/720 + x**4/144 + x**3/36 + x**2/12 + x/6 + 1/6) + y**4*(x**5/2880 + x**4/576 + x**3/144 + x**2/48 + x/24 + 1/24) + y**5*(x**5/14400 + x**4/2880 + x**3/720 + x**2/240 + x/120 + 1/120) + x + x**2/2 + x**3/6 + x**4/24 + x**5/120 + O(y**6)

In [20]: expand(_)
Out[20]: 1 + y + y**2/2 + y**3/6 + y**4/24 + y**5/120 + x + x*y + x*y**2/2 + x*y**3/6 + x*y**4/24 + x*y**5/120 + x**2/2 + x**2*y/2 + x**2*y**2/4 + x**2*y**3/12 + x**2*y**4/48 + x**2*y**5/240 + x**3/6 + x**3*y/6 + x**3*y**2/12 + x**3*y**3/36 + x**3*y**4/144 + x**3*y**5/720 + x**4/24 + x**4*y/24 + x**4*y**2/48 + x**4*y**3/144 + x**4*y**4/576 + x**4*y**5/2880 + x**5/120 + x**5*y/120 + x**5*y**2/240 + x**5*y**3/720 + x**5*y**4/2880 + x**5*y**5/14400 + O(y**6)

But the order is now wrong.

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