Status: Valid
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium EasyToFix

New issue 3576 by symbols('aa:g') should work

We have

In [3]: symbols('a0:3')
Out[3]: (a₀, a₁, a₂)

So I would expect symbols('aa:c') to produce symbols aa, ab, and ac. But we have instead:

In [1]: symbols('aa:g')
ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-1-edaf0402c3f2> in <module>()
----> 1 symbols('aa:g')

/Users/aaronmeurer/Documents/Python/sympy/sympy/sympy/core/symbol.pyc in symbols(names, **args)
    402             raise ValueError(
--> 403 "'%s' is not a valid symbol range specification" % name)
    405         if not seq and len(result) <= 1:

ValueError: 'aa:g' is not a valid symbol range specification

Also, while we're at it, let ranges be enclosed by parentheses, so that we can do symbols("a1(2:4)") -> a12, a13 and symbols("a(0:2)(0:2)") -> a00, a01, a10, a11. For letters, they would be unnecessary (i.e., symbols("aa:zz") would be the same as symbols('a(a:z)z')), because the end points can only be one character long.

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