Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium

New issue 3600 by Strange behaviour with the solve() function


I have a function with some parameters and when I ask sympy to solve it in the general form, it take some time (30 secs or so) and when I replace the parameters with some values, instead of solving it much faster, my computer starts using much more memory (one of the cores is at 100%) and after some minutes and before it eats all my memory, I stop the process.

  I attach here my code:

from sympy import *
r=var('r', real=True)
q=var('q', real=True)
rho=var('rho', real=True)
shame=var('shame', real=True)
gamma1=var('gamma1', real=True)
beta1=var('beta1', real=True)
w=var('w', real=True)
U1 = (1- (1-shame)*((1-r)/(1+rho*r))**2)*gamma1*(1-r*(q+rho*q-rho))/(1+rho*r)+beta1*ln(w/(1+rho*r))
U1prime = U1.diff(r)
U1primeSub = U1prime.subs({rho:0.25, shame:-0.3, gamma1:1, beta1:4.7, w:1})

So, if I do:

rstar= solve(U1prime, r)

I get a generic solution (depending on rho, shame, gamma1, beta1 and w) in 30 secs or so. If, instead, I do:

rstar= solve(U1primeSub, r)

It get stucked. It should be, I think, the way around.

  Thank you in advance,


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