 examples/all                 |    1 +
 examples/gibbs_phenomenon.py |  131 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 132 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 create mode 100755 examples/gibbs_phenomenon.py

diff --git a/examples/all b/examples/all
index f2ad056..43ac2dc 100755
--- a/examples/all
+++ b/examples/all
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
diff --git a/examples/gibbs_phenomenon.py b/examples/gibbs_phenomenon.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..64f8c02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/gibbs_phenomenon.py
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+#!/usr/bin/env python
+This example illustrates the Gibbs phenomenon.
+It also calculates the Wilbraham-Gibbs constant by two approaches:
+1) calculating the fourier series of the step function and determining the
+first maximum.
+2) evaluating the integral for si(pi).
+import iam_sympy_example
+from sympy import var, sqrt, integrate, conjugate, seterr, abs, pprint, I, pi,\
+        sin, cos, sign, Plot, msolve, lambdify, Integral, S
+x = var("x", real=True)
+def l2_norm(f, lim):
+    """
+    Calculates L2 norm of the function "f", over the domain lim=(x, a, b).
+    x ...... the independent variable in f over which to integrate
+    a, b ... the limits of the interval
+    Example:
+    >>> l2_norm(1, (x, -1, 1))
+    2**(1/2)
+    >>> l2_norm(x, (x, -1, 1))
+    1/3*6**(1/2)
+    """
+    return sqrt(integrate(abs(f)**2, lim))
+def l2_inner_product(a, b, lim):
+    """
+    Calculates the L2 inner product (a, b) over the domain lim.
+    """
+    return integrate(conjugate(a)*b, lim)
+def l2_projection(f, basis, lim):
+    """
+    L2 projects the function f on the basis over the domain lim.
+    """
+    r = 0
+    for b in basis:
+        r +=  l2_inner_product(f, b, lim) * b
+    return r
+def l2_gram_schmidt(list, lim):
+    """
+    Orthonormalizes the "list" of functions using the Gram-Schmidt process.
+    Example:
+    >>> l2_gram_schmidt([1, x, x**2], (x, -1, 1)]
+    [1/2*2**(1/2), x*6**(1/2)/2, -3*10**(1/2)*(1/3 - x**2)/4]
+    """
+    r = []
+    for a in list:
+        if r == []:
+            v = a
+        else:
+            v = a - l2_projection(a, r, lim)
+        v_norm = l2_norm(v, lim)
+        if v_norm == 0:
+            raise Exception("The sequence is not linearly independent.")
+        r.append(v/v_norm)
+    return r
+#l = l2_gram_schmidt([1, cos(x), sin(x), cos(2*x), sin(2*x)], (x, -pi, pi))
+#l = l2_gram_schmidt([1, cos(x), sin(x)], (x, -pi, pi))
+# the code below is equivalen to l2_gram_schmidt(), but faster:
+l = [1/sqrt(2)]
+for i in range(1, 100):
+    l.append(cos(i*x))
+    l.append(sin(i*x))
+l = [f/sqrt(pi) for f in l]
+def integ(f):
+    return integrate(f, (x, -pi, 0)) + integrate(-f, (x, 0, pi))
+def series(l):
+    """
+    Normalizes the series.
+    """
+    r = 0
+    for b in l:
+        r += integ(b)*b
+    return r
+def msolve(f, x):
+    """
+    Finds the first root of f(x) to the left of 0.
+    The x0 and dx below are taylored to get the correct result for our
+    particular function --- the general solver often overshoots the first
+    solution.
+    """
+    f = lambdify(x, f)
+    x0 = -0.001
+    dx = 0.001
+    while f(x0-dx) * f(x0) > 0:
+        x0 = x0-dx
+    x_max = x0-dx
+    x_min = x0
+    assert f(x_max) > 0
+    assert f(x_min) < 0
+    for n in range(100):
+        x0 = (x_max+x_min)/2
+        if f(x0) > 0:
+            x_max = x0
+        else:
+            x_min = x0
+    return x0
+f = series(l)
+print "Fourier series of the step function"
+#Plot(f.diff(x), [x, -5, 5, 3000])
+x0 = msolve(f.diff(x), x)
+print "x-value of the maximum:", x0
+max = f.subs(x, x0).evalf()
+print "y-value of the maximum:", max
+g = max*pi/2
+print "Wilbraham-Gibbs constant        :", g.evalf()
+print "Wilbraham-Gibbs constant (exact):", \
+    Integral(sin(x)/x, (x, 0, pi)).evalf()

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