Sorry I have been so slow to follow this stuff up.  This week has been
crazy with personal stuff...

> Fredrik noted that the second syntax suggested by Brian is already
> supported. Should we pursue a bindings method for the convenience
> factor, or the the current Lambda notation good enough?

> I was not aware of the Lambda class, and this does seem to satisfy the
> need to specify positional arguments to me. It is slightly more
> cumbersome than the bindings approach, but not too much so. Right
> given the discussion so far I am thinking bindings may not add much
> given what Lambda already provides.

I too was not aware of the Lambda stuff in sympy.  While I think it is
good to have this, I do think the bindings approach has a number of
advantages, that make it a compelling addition:

* The bindings approach is much lighter weight (less cumbersome)
* You don't have to create two separate objects (the original
expression and the Lambda).
* With bindings, the type of object remains the same.  For
implementing some types of algorithms, this could be important.  For
instance, maybe I just wrote a function that does something with a
polynomial.  But, if the polynomial arises from a Lambda, my method
won't see that the Lambda is actually just a polynomial.  This is
exactly what I mean when I talk about functions and expressions being
*too* different in Mathematica.
* Bindings can also be created and used recursively:

>>> f = x*y*z
>>> f.bindings = (x,)
>>> g = f(10)
>>> g
>>> g.bindings = (y, z)
>>> g(2, 3)

and you still get a reasonable type at the end:

>>> type(g)

Even if you did make Lambdas work recursively in this manner, you
would end up with a nasty nested Lambda, rather than just a Mul.  In
my experience with CASs this way of working where I start with a
multivariate expression and gradually evaluate different symbols in it
is a common usage pattern - and sometimes it makes more sense
conceptually to do this using a function call syntax.



> -Lance
> >

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