From: Andy R. Terrel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

 examples/intermediate/ |  173 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
 1 files changed, 155 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)

diff --git a/examples/intermediate/ 
index b6e3116..e894610 100755
--- a/examples/intermediate/
+++ b/examples/intermediate/
@@ -5,26 +5,163 @@ Demonstrates matrix computations using the Vandermonde 
-from sympy import sqrt, symbols, eye
+from sympy import Matrix, pprint, Rational, sqrt, symbols, Symbol, zeros
+def symbol_gen(sym_str):
+    """Symbol generator
+    Generates sym_str_n where n is the number of times the generator
+    has been called.
+    """
+    n = 0
+    while True:
+        yield Symbol("%s_%d" % (sym_str,n))
+        n+=1
+def comb_w_rep(n,k):
+    """Combinations with repitition
+    Returns the list of k combinations with repition from n objects.
+    """
+    if k == 0:
+        return [[]]
+    combs = [[i] for i in range(n)]
+    for i in range(k-1):
+        curr = []
+        for p in combs:
+            for m in range(p[-1],n):
+                curr.append(p+[m])
+        combs = curr
+    return combs
+def vandermonde(order, dim = 1, syms = 'a b c d'):
+    """Comptutes a Vandermonde matrix of given order and dimension.
+    Define syms to give beginning strings for temporary variables.
+    Returns the Matrix, the temporary variables, and the terms for the 
+    """
+    syms = syms.split()
+    if len(syms) < dim:
+        new_syms = []
+        for i in range(dim - len(syms)):
+            new_syms.append(syms[i%len(syms)]+str(i/len(syms)))
+        syms.extend(new_syms)
+    terms = []
+    for i in range(order+1):
+        terms.extend(comb_w_rep(dim,i))
+    rank = len(terms)
+    V = zeros(rank)
+    generators = [symbol_gen(syms[i]) for i in range(dim)]
+    all_syms = []
+    for i in range(rank):
+        row_syms = [ for g in generators]
+        all_syms.append(row_syms)
+        for j,term in enumerate(terms):
+            v_entry = 1
+            for k in term:
+                v_entry *= row_syms[k]
+            V[i*rank + j] = v_entry
+    return V, all_syms, terms
+def gen_poly(points, order, syms):
+    """Generates a polynomial using a Vandermonde system"""
+    num_pts = len(points)
+    if num_pts == 0:
+        raise ValueError, "Must provide points"
+    dim = len(points[0]) - 1
+    if dim > len(syms):
+        raise ValueError, \
+            "Must provide at lease %d symbols for the polynomial" % dim
+    V, tmp_syms, terms = vandermonde(order, dim)
+    if num_pts < V.shape[0]:
+        raise ValueError, \
+            "Must provide %d points for order %d, dimension "\
+            "%d polynomial, given %d points" % \
+            (V.shape[0], order, dim, num_pts)
+    elif num_pts > V.shape[0]:
+        print "gen_poly given %d points but only requires %d, "\
+            "continuing using the first %d points" % \
+            (num_pts, V.shape[0], V.shape[0])
+        num_pts = V.shape[0]
+    subs_dict = {}
+    for j in range(dim):
+        for i in range(num_pts):
+            subs_dict[tmp_syms[i][j]] = points[i][j]
+    V_pts = V.subs(subs_dict)
+    V_inv = V_pts.inv()
+    coeffs = V_inv.multiply(Matrix([points[i][-1] for i in xrange(num_pts)]))
+    f = 0
+    for j,term in enumerate(terms):
+        t = 1
+        for k in term:
+            t *= syms[k]
+        f += coeffs[j]*t
+    return f
 def main():
-    w, x, y, z = symbols("wxyz")
-    L = [x,y,z]
-    V = eye(len(L))
-    for i in range(len(L)):
-        for j in range(len(L)):
-            V[i,j] = L[i]**j
-    det = 1
-    for i in range(len(L)):
-        det *= L[i]-L[i-1]
-    print "matrix"
-    print V
-    print "det:"
-    print V.det().expand()
-    print "correct result"
-    print det
-    print det.expand()
+    order = 2
+    V, tmp_syms, _ = vandermonde(order)
+    print "Vandermonde matrix of order 2 in 1 dimension"
+    pprint(V)
+    print '-'*79
+    print "Computing the determinate and comparing to \sum_{0<i<j<=3}(a_j - 
+    det_sum = 1
+    for j in range(order+1):
+        for i in range(j):
+            det_sum *= (tmp_syms[j][0] - tmp_syms[i][0])
+    print """
+    det(V) = %(det)s
+    \sum   = %(sum)s
+           = %(sum_expand)s
+    """ % { "det": V.det(),
+             "sum": det_sum,
+             "sum_expand": det_sum.expand(),
+          }
+    print '-'*79
+    print "Polynomial fitting with a Vandermonde Matrix:"
+    x,y,z = symbols('x y z')
+    points = [(0,3), (1,2), (2,3)]
+    print """
+    Quadratic function, represented by 3 points:
+       points = %(pts)s
+       f = %(f)s
+    """ % { "pts" : points,
+            "f" : gen_poly(points,2,[x]),
+          }
+    points = [(0,1,1), (1,0,0), (1,1,0), (Rational(1,2),0,0),
+              (0,Rational(1,2),0), (Rational(1,2), Rational(1,2), 0)]
+    print """
+    2D Quadratic function, represented by 6 points:
+       points = %(pts)s
+       f = %(f)s
+    """ % { "pts" : points,
+            "f" : gen_poly(points, 2, [x, y]),
+          }
+    points = [(0,1,1,1), (1, 1,0,0), (1,0,1,0), (1,1,1,1)]
+    print """
+    3D linear function, represented by 4 points:
+       points = %(pts)s
+       f = %(f)s
+    """ % { "pts" : points,
+            "f" : gen_poly(points, 1, [x, y,z]),
+          }
 if __name__ == "__main__":

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