On Fri, Feb 6, 2009 at 6:01 AM, Fredrik Johansson
<fredrik.johans...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Notes:
> * A few fixes in evalf.py were needed. In particular, I simplified the
> extrapolating
>  numerical summation code to just call mpmath.nsum instead. It is a bit 
> slower,
>  but works better.
> * statistics.Normal now uses mpmath.erfinv instead of the ad-hoc 
> implementation
> * A few other small interface incompatibilities in mpmath were adjusted for
> All tests pass, but I could have broken some imports etc that cause it to
> pass only by accident on my machine.

Thanks a lot for the patch. Unfortunately, sympy doesn't even import
after the patch:

In [1]: import sympy
ImportError                               Traceback (most recent call last)

/home/ondra/repos/sympy/<ipython console> in <module>()

/home/ondra/repos/sympy/sympy/__init__.py in <module>()
     18 import symbol as stdlib_symbol
---> 19 from sympy.core import *
     21 from polys import *

/home/ondra/repos/sympy/sympy/core/__init__.py in <module>()
      2 """
----> 4 from basic import Basic, S, C, sympify
      5 from symbol import Symbol, Wild, symbols, var
      6 from numbers import Number, Real, Rational, Integer, igcd,
ilcm, RealNumber, \

/home/ondra/repos/sympy/sympy/core/basic.py in <module>()
----> 3 import sympy.mpmath as mpmath
      5 from assumptions import AssumeMeths, make__get_assumption
      6 from sympify import _sympify, _sympifyit, sympify, SympifyError

/home/ondra/repos/sympy/sympy/mpmath/__init__.py in <module>()
     52 from calculus import odeint
---> 54 from odes import odefun
     56 from quadrature import quad, quadgl, quadts, quadosc,
TanhSinh, GaussLegendre

ImportError: No module named odes

So this needs to be fixed. I created an issue for that:



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