Hi Aaron!

On Fri, May 29, 2009 at 11:54 PM, Aaron S. Meurer <asmeu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Here is the latest bit from my Google Summer of Code Project.  dsolve
> can now solve first order equations that can be written as y' == f(y/
> x).  These are called first order homogeneous differential equations.
> This will also have exact and my logcombine function in it, since
> neither of those seems to have made it in yet.
> Please pull from http://github.com/asmeurer/sympy/tree/odes-stable

I went over it. First of all, great job! Also with the blogposts,
that's the way to go, just keep going.

Couple comments now:

1) In the patch, 937669cc, you have two more spaces at the beginning
of the first line of the log

2) in the patch 6553820:

Where did you put all those tests, that you deleted here? You should
not delete any tests in a commit that changes some output, like Eq.

Also in anycase, if you are deleting tests, it should be explained in the log.

3) in the commit: 13de523c32

I don't like the code:

+        sol = Equality(sol,C1)
+        try:
+            # See if the equation can be solved explicitly for f
+            sol1 = solve(sol,y)
+        except (NotImplementedError, AssertionError):
+            return sol.subs(y,f(x))

But you fixed that in later patches, so it's ok.


I also left you lots of comments in the github branch itself, you can
see them here:


and usually they contain the exact line which I am commenting on.

Fix most of the things using "git rebase -i", and if there are some
bigger changes, feel free to create a new commit.

Fix those, I might have couple more minor comments later, but I think
in general it is in a very good shape. Thanks also for the logcombine


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