On Wed, Jun 24, 2009 at 1:00 PM, Aaron S. Meurer<asmeu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Jun 24, 2009, at 11:23 AM, Vinzent Steinberg wrote:
> 2009/6/24 Ryan Krauss <ryanli...@gmail.com>
>> So, I have a personal git sympy repo on github and have finally learned
>> enough to be useful to the project (I hope).
>> Question #1:
>> One problem I ran into is that while I was figuring things out and
>> cleaning up the mess I made of my own branches, other people submitted
>> various patches.  So, I think I correctly rebased my  branches, but I get a
>> lot of messages about conflicts that seem to be related to stuff that got
>> added to the end of a file.  When I go into edit the conflicting files, they
>> look like this:
>> def test_mainvar():
>>     expr = 3*x*y**3+x**2*y+x**3+y**4
>>     profile_y = {'mainvar' : y}
>>     assert latex(expr, profile_y) == '$x^{3} + y x^{2} + 3 x y^{3} +
>> y^{4}$'
>>     profile_x = {'mainvar' : x}
>>     assert latex(expr, profile_x) == '$y^{4} + 3 x y^{3} + y x^{2} +
>> x^{3}$'
>>     profile_y['descending'] = True
>>     assert latex(expr, profile_y) == '$y^{4} + 3 x y^{3} + y x^{2} +
>> x^{3}$'
>>     profile_x['descending'] = True
>>     assert latex(expr, profile_x) == '$x^{3} + y x^{2} + 3 x y^{3} +
>> y^{4}$'
>> <<<<<<< HEAD:sympy/printing/tests/test_latex.py
>> =======
>> def test_inline():
>>     expr = x+y
>>     assert latex(expr) == '$x + y$'
>>     assert latex(expr, inline=None) == 'x + y'
>>     assert latex(expr, inline=False)== '\\begin{equation*}x +
>> y\\end{equation*}'
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>> a66e0937464156e8abc6d48e8484f6ec855d36c5:sympy/printing/tests/test_latex.py
>> Why can't git figure out that I just want my new function at the end of
>> the file?  What is the conflict here?  How do I create patches or clean up
>> my branches so that everyone who checks out my branch doesn't have to delete
>> those extra lines from the supposed conflict?
> git stash # if you have unstaged changes
> git checkout master
> git pull
> git checkout <branch with changes>
> git rebase master
> git stash apply # if you stashed above, once you are done rebasing.
> I believe this should prevent conflicts for anyone who checkouts your
> branch.  You will have to do the merge above whenever you rebase, but after
> that, no one else should have problems.  This assumes that you have been
> working in a branch and not in master (which you should do, so you can
> rebase to master).
> I'm not sure about this one, I'd have to try out. Maybe you have to use "git
> merge" explicitly?
>> Question #2:
>> If I create a branch or patch to fix an issue that I identified, what do I
>> need to do to submit the solution?  Do I need to first create an issue on
>> http://code.google.com/p/sympy/issues ?  Is it enough to email the patch to
>> this list?  Can I instead email a branch I would like to suggest?  Do I not
>> need to email, but instead just create an issue?
> All these variants are perfectly valid and have different
> advantages/disadvantages:
> 1. e-mail a patch: easy to comment, comfortable once "git email" works, can
> be forgotten (one day hopefully not anymore)
> Are there any plans to streamline the patch process to prevent forgotten
> patches?  I have had several forgotten patches.

Yes, just create an issue for every patch that you don't want to get
forgotten and set it to NeedsReview.

In the worst case, always before a release I go over all patches with
NeedsReview and review them (I try to do it more often of course).


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