I just pushed some of the trivial fixes to github, please pull.

Ondrej, I fixed the 'str' variable as well.


On 15 Okt, 18:54, Brian Granger <ellisonbg....@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 2:26 AM, Øyvind Jensen <jensen.oyv...@gmail.com>wrote:
> > Brian, thanks for your input!
> > I will make that Exception baseclass, and raise those
> > NotImplementedErrors.  I'll do it the coming weekend.
> > I really like your idea of implementing the particle/hole stuff on a
> > higher level, and creating algorithms independent of boson/fermi
> > formalism.  That is a great suggestion.  However, I think it should be
> > done in such a way that the user still has a readily available
> > particle/hole formalism.  Let's not sacrifice practical usefulness for
> > programming aesthetics.
> > Right now the above/below fermi checks take care of a mixture of things.
> > At least:
> >  1) Test if two indices have overlapping ranges in the KroneckerDelta
> > implementation + possibly elsewhere (maybe even implicitly!)
> >  2) Normal ordering, contractions
> >  3) Hole/Particle stuff in FermionState
> >  4) Maybe I forget about something
> > I'm curious to how we could leverage the new assumption system to factor
> > out the particle/hole stuff.  At least 1) seems like a good candidate
> > for that.
> > I don't think 3) is that important, as the calculations are usually
> > applied to operators, not the states directly.
> > This leaves 2).  The algorithms could be made boson/fermion agnostic by
> > implementing normal ordering and contractions as methods of
> > FermionicOperator and BosonicOperator.  Then particle/holes would still
> > be low-level, but completely encapsulated in FermionicOperator.  What do
> > you think?
> I think I would love to think about this more today but I have a big
> deadline at 5 pm ;-)
> I will try to get back to this F, Sat or Sun.
> Cheers,
> Brian
> > Øyvind
> > on., 14.10.2009 kl. 12.08 -0700, skrev Brian Granger:
> > > Thanks for putting a github branch up.
> > > I am crazy busy, but I did glance though things a bit...
> > > * Can you create a base class for all exceptions in secondquant, like
> > > class SecondQuantError(Exception):
> > >   pass
> > > and make all other exceptions subclasses of this.
> > > * Also, what happens if you pass bosonic operators to the new
> > > functions like NO, Wicks.  If they don't work for Bosons, they should
> > > raise a NotImplementedError (unless you want to make them work for
> > > Bosons ;-))
> > > * It looks like the idea of the fermi surface is built into the
> > > fermion operators and states at the lowest level.  I have thought
> > > about this for a few days, and I am not sure this is the best way of
> > > handling it.  I realize the using particles and holes is extremely
> > > useful for practical calculations, but...
> > > There are many situations where you want to work with the fermion
> > > operators, but don't want to think about particles and holes.  The
> > > formalism of second quantization for fermions doesn't need to assume
> > > anything about particles and holes.
> > > Having particles and holes built in to the lowest level of the
> > > fermionic implementation means that we can't easily implement things
> > > like wicks theorem in a general boson/fermion independent manner.
> > > Do you think it would be possible to implement the fermionic stuff in
> > > a way that didn't assume the particle/hole stuff up front, but that
> > > stuff could be added in a high-level.  The situation is similar for
> > > bosons where you have to do tricks to handle the population of the
> > > ground state.
> > > Cheers,
> > > Brian
> > > Cheers,
> > > Brian
> > > On Tue, Oct 13, 2009 at 10:58 AM, jegerjensen
> > > <jensen.oyv...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > >         I implemented lots of doctests, and pushed to my new github
> > >         account:
> > >         git://github.com/jegerjensen/sympy.git
> > >         There is still some doctests missing, but I think all the
> > >         important
> > >         stuff is covered.
> > >         Øyvind
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