On Aug 17, 6:32 pm, Vinzent Steinberg
<vinzent.steinb...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> 2010/8/17 Aaron S. Meurer <asmeu...@gmail.com>:
> > Well, here's the problem with the spaceless option:
> >>>> var('ab cd ef')
> > (ab, cd, ef)
> >>>> var('ab cd')
> > (ab, cd)
> >>>> var('ab')
> > (a, b)
> You could still do
> >>> var('ab ')
> ab

I don't see this as a problem: if there's no delimiter you get
symbols; if there is a delimiter then you get what is between
delimiters. As Vinzent points out, that delimiter can be a space. It
can also be a comma: var('abc,').

The problem with from sympy.abc import * is that you lose access to
things like S(1) since S becomes a symbol.

Having grown up in Fortran, I like the a:c option. I would use that
often as var('a:c x:z'). I think that is the best suggest so far. It
uses a delimiter that can't be confused with a symbol and makes it
pretty explicit what is intended. We could also use the "-" as in
var('a-c'). So, just as you can use space or comma for delimiters,
perhaps we could allow ":" or "-" as range delimiters (though : is
more pythonic).

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