Comment #35 on issue 2133 by Merge new polynomials manipulation module

I tracked down the problem with RootSum to:

In [1]: var('a,b')
Out[1]: (a, b)

In [2]: f = (x**3 - a)**2*(x**4 - b)**3

In [3]: g = Lambda(x, 5*tan(x) + 7)

In [5]: r = RootSum(f, g, x)

In [6]: h = Lambda(x, tan(x))

In [7]: R = 10*RootSum(x**3 - a, h, x) + 15*RootSum(x**4 - b, h, x) + 126

In [8]: r == R
-> st = self._hashable_content()
(Pdb) c
Out[8]: False

In [9]: r == R
-> st = self._hashable_content()
(Pdb) n
-> ot = other._hashable_content()
(Pdb) n
-> return (st == ot)
(Pdb) p st
(126, 15*RootSum(-b + x**4, Lambda(_x, tan(_x))), 10*RootSum(-a + x**3, Lambda(_x, tan(_x))))
(Pdb) p ot
(126, 10*RootSum(-a + x**3, Lambda(_x, tan(_x))), 15*RootSum(-b + x**4, Lambda(_x, tan(_x))))
(Pdb) p st == ot

So, now there are (at least) three ways to proceed:

1. I can use a simpler test in test_RootSum_independent :)
2. We can improve hashing of Lambdas or reconsider dummy substitution.
3. Implement __eq__ in Add (and Mul) and use hash independent sorting of arguments (
this would be optimal, but speed reduction may be significant).

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